Is MDMA addictive?

My husband and I stopped to use cocaine 500 days ago today. I have also stopped drinking 258 days ago because it was unmanageable for me he keeps on drinking because he did not have a problem with alcohol, never lost control like I did.
During this time he had sporadic but numerous binge drinking sessions at home and for the past 2 months he has been doing MDMA also at home.
The first night I did MDMA with him at home, but felt uncomfortable in loosing control so just went to bed and kept on doing it. (I actually love being sober, awake, aware, in control and don’t want to alter my reality in any way)
He has done it 4 times in the house while I am here, I just go do my own thing read, computer or TV. He is doing it right now again, I am a bit concern that he might become addicted to MDMA so I was wondering if that is possible.
Thank you.

So if it’s not addictive you are going to keep doing it?

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I did it once and I won’t do it again. I have no desire of doing MDMA. I have such an addictive personality that I probably could get addicted to anything.
I was wondering if anyone here have experience with MDMA addiction. I am concerned for my husband.

Ohh gotcha. Yeah it’s mentally very addictive. It can be physically as well.

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My understanding is that compared to a lot of other drugs, it is relatively less harmful (on a scale where alcohol, heroin and crack are most harmful). Obviously that doesn’t mean it’s safe and doesn’t account for individual reactions or the quality of what he is buying.

If you are concerned that he is using it more than you think is healthy, hopefully you are in a place to have an honest, non-judgemental conversation given your experience of getting and staying sober. However, I find that I have to check myself with this kind of thing because my attitude to alcohol and other substances has (obviously!) changed the longer I’ve spent sober. I worry about other people’s behaviour when I am judging their usage by my standards.

Congrats on all those days!

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Ive seen many people change negatively because of mdma. Quite addictive for some people, I am quitting it rn. Many side effects, addiction can lead easier to depression than many other drugs. If he cannot wait 3 months between usage its often already a problem


As with all alcohol and other drug use, taking MDMA carries risks, albeit comparatively lower than most other drugs.1

For example, a 2010 study published in the prestigious Lancet journal was conducted to gauge the relative potential harms of drugs to both consumers and to society, and MDMA was found to be among the least risky.[2](, overall, alcohol was considered the most harmful drug, with heroin and crack in second and third places. You’ll find MDMA hovering just above the bottom of the scale with a significantly lower rating. Several other researchers have independently reported similar findings.3 It’s clear that a drug’s legal status has little relation to its potential for harm.


It is absolutely addictive. And given your previous drug was cocaine (also a stimulant ) I would be highly cautious.


Of course it is, its the base ingredient of Ecstacy.

In my early 20s I used it 4/5 times a week. Heavily when I was in London at weekends. I wouldn’t say I was addicted to it specifically but I could very well see how I could’ve gotten to be.

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Well, I need to start with I have no clue what MDMA is!! I have heard of it but I am clueless. But after that I think ANYTHING can be addictive. Sugar can be Addictive. Exercise can be addictive. While some substances can be addictive to anyone there are people with addictive personalities that are more addicted to the behaviour than the actual substance. I am one of those people. I could become addicted to anything if I thought the behaviour would make me feel better about myself.

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Its Ecstacy.

MDMA depletes massive ammounts of serotonin, which is what makes people feel good. So after the high wears off it can get pretty ugly. Following doing MDMA was one of the worst episodes of depression I have ever experienced in my life. Had to take an antidepressant. Its definitely got its share of serious negatives.


Oh…I know what ecstasy is!!! Why don’t we call it X anymore??

But I never did it. The only drug I ever did was pot…and only a handful of time. I can drink like a fish but drugs scare the crap outta me. Go figure.

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MDMA is the active ingredient in Ecstacy - the same as THC is in marijuana. The majority of an E is god knows what. MDMA is either a crystal or powdered form. @Awake97 is dead right - the comedown is brutal and can take days depending on the quantity you take. It’s a long high but an even longer come down that just makes you feel horrible mentally and physically.

Its very addictive and very potent. I had too much once on an empty stomach and took a bad turn in a nightclub I used to go to. I would steer well clear of anyone using it now.


I believe the drugs thats less dangerous according to science are potentially more dangerous to the mind. Like the guys says the comedown is rediculously awful and will swiftly fill the void of whatever other addiction one had.
Going through sobriety means finding a new and healthy normal for yourself. Mdma will make that journey null and void because soon you will need to start from scratch, trying to get off mdma

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I did Molly (MDMA) a few times with a friend of mine about two years ago. I didn’t have any trouble walking away from it, but the last time we did it I went blind for a day and he started hallucinating. Kind of scary stuff in retrospect.

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Molly is very rarely pure MDMA anymore. It’s typically research chemicals that are molecularly similar, but a compound or two off so it can skirt the law. When it comes to that shit you never really know what you are putting into your body. It’s pretty much the same as taking bath salts.


The last time i took ecstacy the come down was such that i spent two days baracading myself in my room, too paranoid to leave. So whether or not it creates a chemical dependency, the come down was awful and i never wanted to experience that again.


I am the type of person that does a lot of research before putting anything into my body. I researched mdma a lot. Mdma is not physically addictive. The body won’t crave it like it will alcohol, coke, meth, and others. It’s in the way the drug works. Like most psychedelics, it only increases the uptake and realease of natural chemicals in your brain.
There are a few problems with MDMA. The come down is brutal. The main chemical affected the brain is serotonin. This chemical makes you feel happy. Some Anti depressant actually helps the uptake of this chemical. After the fact, depression can be a struggle from a day to however long it takes to restore your serotonin levels. this is where the main problem for overuse occurs, especially if they’ve had other substance problems. It can become just like a physical addiction.

The next problem is not getting pure MDMA. Does he know for sure its MDMA? If it’s in a tab form most likely it is not pure and lord only know that he’s putting into his body. There are test kits you can buy, so if he is going to continue to do it he can be at least as “safe” as possible.

With him using a lot during a short amount of time I’d be a little worried as well. The experts say for healthy psychedelic use once every 6 months to give time for your brain chemistry to balance.

Do a little research for yourself. There is a lot of good information other. I also want to say there are mixed opinions about it being addictive or not. This is just the opinion I gathered from my own research.

I also want to state this is to respond to her concern. For everyone here who has addiction problems, there is no safe use. Once you’ve become addicted to one substance the odds that you can be addicted to another is extremely high.

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I also have an addictive personality, I get addicted to anything so much easier than a regular person. I have been addicted to many things in the past but am managing to overcome my most serious/damaging addictions (alcohol and cocaine). I have low self worth that comes from various childhood traumas and physical and emotional abuse. Bc of my additive personality I tend to overdo things that diverge the pain and numb and makes me feel good. Thank you for sharing.