Is Methadone still clean/sober?

Very very sweet of you! :heart:

Hi NAT do you think your doctor would consider switching you to bupenorphrine, depending which country you are in that would either be suboxobe, subutex or even espranor. You would have to give it a good twenty four hours after last having any methadone maybe more if your in America as it’s suboxone which I believe contains naltrexone.i have had both methadone and subutex and just find bupenorphrine to be much much better and so ready to taper down on though they may just be me. The thing that led me to bupenorphrine was research and so many other opiate addicts stories of how hard it can be with methadone especially when trying to come off the last 5ml. I find bupe to leave me much more clear headed and easier to taper from is all in trying to say and may be worth taking to your doctor or drug worker about as you seem to really want to lessen your dependency on methadone. Good luck either way

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Hay !!! Thankyou for message me … I’m off methadone… got of that 2 months ago and on a taper for espranor… I’m down to 2mg… i go down to 1 mg next week!!! Can’t wait to be free of it … how’s things with you x


You have came such a long way.
I just wanted to say I’m very proud of you and are incredibly strong. :grinning::call_me_hand:

My two cents. If you’re substituting one for another and not under a physician’s care, you’re not clean. If you are under a physician’s care then it’s how you think you are. Sobriety means so many things to so many different people there us no one fits all program. I was on buprenorphine for the first 4 days in a detox facility. When I was released and placed in an inpatient program the doctors attempted to taper me down with methadone, suboxone, buprenorphine and tramadol in that order. The thought of having to taper off of each drug and going through withdrawals each time scared the crap out of me. Ultimately, I chose to take nothing and ended up with the worst 5 days of my life. But, when I was done, I was done. Finishing up, the great wonder about getting clean and sober doesn’t have just one method of doing it. Recognizing you have a problem and actively doing something to arrest the behavior is a huge step in the right direction.


Hi can i ask what mill of buprenorphone u was on before u stopped… I’m on a taper of espranor at moment im down to 2mg… going to 1 mls next week x so frightened of withdrawal but want off the meds so much x

Seems at the end of tapers is when wd starts to shine thru and become unmasked. And just think 2mg today and 2mg in 24hrs you still have 3mg(3mg is actually still a hefty dose) in your system for the day as the half life is 36hrs for suboxone. Toward the end when you decide to jump try skipping days or holding out as long as possible.

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Thankyou so much for your advice… I’m feeling fine on my 2 ml. I really want off my meds . I taperd to quick a few weeks ago and went into bad withdrawal… i know i need to feel withdrawal have u any idea of how long it lasts ? And when I go to my 1 mls do I then just stop all together ? X

1mg is still equivalent to almost 40mg of morphine… I would even consider going lower if you can. You will still feel alil wd from 1mg… People vary by how much wd they can manage.

Wow I never realised 1 mls was that strong… thankyou so much for helping me . X

I’m really good thanks. I’m on two mg espranor daily aswell though I don’t have any at all on a Sunday and feel no withdrawals at all, it’s strange how easy I find it to go without it I don’t know if that’s the same for everyone. I always tried to start away from methadone add of meet so many people who had been in it for many many years. Whatever works for each individual I suppose. I’m so glad your doing well, good luck with it

Ah thankyou… please keep in touch and let me know how it’s going with u … r u dropping any time soon x

I was on 2mg when I decided I wanted it all stopped at once. It was the best thing I could have ever done. I used melatonin for about two weeks to assist with sleep and it helped.

Hi NAT How’d it going with you. Yeah I’m going visiting my parents in Turkey on the 18th of June for four weeks so I’m going to take the medication with me with a view to stop taking it completely. It’s a bit wierd but I seem to muster up real strength when I’m there, I did my first and only cold turkey rattle other there five years ago which was horrific but I got through it and swore I wouldn’t it again but I did relapse. This is the first time I’ve actually had a drug worry and script as I used to buy subutex off someone and have weaned myself off it nine times now but always relapsed but that’s mainly down to benzos which I can get very easily tbh and even easier in Turkey by just paying a doctor for a consultation and They,l prescribe me a hundred Xanax etc and that’s really the only problem I have out there but I’ve emailed the doctors over there made them agree to not give me anything and I’m doing it with the support of my worker this time and a good support network in place which includes na contracts and apps like this. I smoked a bag eleven days ago through boredom but I’m not going to do that again and I haven’t smoked crack or taken benzos for five months now so I’m happy with my progress. What dose of espranor did you start on after coming off methadone. I thought it was only my local region that had changed from subutex to espranor I didn’t realise it was most of the UK. Heroin really odd a horrific drug isn’t it, I hate it with a passion :angry::grin:x

That was a bit long winded, sorry lol

Hi i started off on 8 mg of espranor and got to 2 … can’t wait to be off it and put that all behind me … yep heroin is the devil … it got me quick and the pain of trying to cold turkey was too much for me … so i went onto methadone 40 mls I was allergic to it !!! My drug doctor told me to wait 24hours then take 4ml espranor… omg it put me into a big cluck I thought i was gonna die… i couldn’t move for 4day… I’m 4 months off heroin and crack today … i never wanna go back to it … it took away my soul … X I’m so glad u got a plan to get off it … I’m dropping to 1ml next week then gonna stay on it get stable then drop to nothing… X

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No. It is not sober living.

That would be like me doing Adderall to overcome my old meth addiction… just stating my honest opinion

I am so thankful for my crack addiction because without that horrible bottom and mental health issues I never would have sought recovery. I would have died a drunk heroin addict, but crack fucked me up so bad that I started a journey into recovery.

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I totally get you … i never wanna c a pipe or that shit again… X