Is Non Alcoholic beer a good thing?

It’s a terrible idea at eleven days sober…. stop looking in the alcohol aisle ,get your shopping get the frig out


When we get sober I think a lot of us are shocked to find out that most beverages being sold today are neither alcohol or alcohol imitation.

Like I had no idea seltzer was a thing. Why waste your time on shitty tasting hop water. Grab yourself a Fresca


In short, no. It’s not a good idea.

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I was craving a beer in Sunday night while seeing Durand Jones at the 9:30 club. So, I had an Athletic NA beer. It tasted like shit! I should have had a Sprite instead.


When I first got sober, I would buy non alcoholic beers. I noticed they gave me REALLY bad headaches. Like I’m allergic to something in them (and regular beer never gave me a headache from just one). I tried all different brands and different kinds like the darker vs lighter ones. I kept having the same issue, then eventually just thought “what am I doing???” As I was continually turning to something that made me feel physically bad, almost like I was still addicted to the idea of drinking a beer. Now only on a rare occasion I might have a zero alcohol cocktail (which don’t give me headaches). But it’s pretty rare. I think whether it’s bad or not is different for everyone though.

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I agree, pop is just better. Ginger beer is my go-to when it’s available.

I’ve always been against it, but I actually had a virgin margarita the other night. To my surprise it didn’t trigger me. I still think I might have been playing with fire by taking that chance. I probably won’t do that again.

I only have them in a restaurant or bar, not at home. As a replacement and to stop questions they can be helpful. They do not trigger me, because they taste so different. As someone pointed out above we all have our own way to maintain sobriety. For some they are helpful. If you have the slightest doubt, then you let them be.

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Not for me. I’m at eighteen months, and it’s taken too much effort to get here to risk it. It doesn’t make sense to me. I have alcoholic friends who drink them occasionally, but they’ve been sober for over ten years.


I’ve been meaning to share this since Saturday and this is the perfect place. We’ve recently expanded our NA options at work. A few golfers came in and ordered their usual beers, except one. The typical wine/beer drinker ordered an NA IPA, which I poured in a glass. When I went to see if they wanted another round, I forgot what he had(as it was unusual) and said “you had a Goose right?”(the IPA on tap) He nodded, but obviously didn’t hear me. I delivered the drinks and realized what I had done when I opened his tab. I ran back yelling “Wait! I made a mistake!” Luckily he’d only taken a sip and said he was only drinking it to give his liver a break bc he drank too much the day before. Still, I can’t believe it happened and I feel horrible about it. I vow to be more vigilant from now on. The point is, if I can make that mistake as a sober person, anyone can. Scary thought.


I am a real alcoholic, as such I never drank beer for the taste.
I drink for the effect, always, no exception.
Therefore, drinking NA beer is an absolutely IDIOTIC concept in that regard.
Why would I drink something ‘beer’ that doesn’t give me the effect?

If you keep going to the barber shop, one day you’re going to get a haircut.


I like that. It would make a nice cross stitch on a pillow. Good gift for a barber. :hugs::blush:

Yes I tend to agree that NA beer is not the best idea. In addition , most of the time those are loaded with sugar to compensate and that’s not great. I used to drink beer. I drank a couple of french NA beers and I really hated it. It tastes and feels wrong.


For one person NA beers might in fact be idiotic. For others they might be useful. We all have to find our individual tools that work for us. The main goal for all of us is to lead a sober life. Whatever is a useful tool helping to achieve that is good.
Have a great sober day!

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Here’s the deal on near beer - I can almost guarantee that we alcoholics do not drink for the taste of it, we drink for the effects of it. And near beer tastes like day old piss and does not deliver any relief from reality.

If you question your motives and you are honest, you will find that some part of your desire to buy near beer, maybe the largest part, is to pretend you can drink alcohol safely. It is some form of acting on denial, and a form of needing to identify as a person who can handle the booze.

I tried the near beers once or twice, never found one that had any flavor at all, and always suffered from adding fuel to the fire of my alcoholism. I was still toying with my obsession about alcohol, still glorifying it in my mind, still wanting to be able to drink safely. When that obsession grew, it took on its own strength and I did drink the real stuff again.


It doesn’t trigger me. For me my trigger is sadness, depression, too much stinking thinking.

I do drink the NA sometimes. Mostly in social situations. Makes others feel more comfortable. I know, I shouldn’t care how others feel but sometimes I still do. :woman_shrugging:t3: I have a boat and somehow you can’t have people on a boat without beer and them not get all weird on you. I like the taste of Bud Zero and it keeps everyone off my case. (Only boating, camping etc… I’m a cheapskate so try not to waste my money otherwise)

Mostly I like Spindrifts though. My new drink. Funny that I think 6$ for an 8 pack is expensive consider what I used to spend on booze.

There’s my raw honest post


Hi Sunflower, for me it works no problem, I just don’t like the taste of beer that much anymore. Even though the taste of nonalcoholic beer imrpooved a lot since the first time I tried it. I tried some non alcoholic ciders and I found them really good. It does get on my nerves that I have to pee equally much as from regular beer. Just yesterday I tried some nonalcoholic wine, it was good. Less calories, less peeing. I tried virgin cocktails aswell, too sweet, but fancy and interesting. But mind you, I’m now almost 9 months sober, I have no cravings or triggers anymore.

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