Is Non Alcoholic beer a good thing?

Hi everyone, I am currently almost on day 11 sober :partying_face:
It has had it’s up’s and down’s.
My question to you all is
Is non Alcoholic drinks a good thing or bad for recovery?
For example:
I went to the grocery store yesterday with my partner and in the beer isle was non alcoholic options: like lagunitas, Heineken and so on.
I do understand that some non alcoholic drinks do contain a small percentage of alcohol but some have absolutely 0% alcohol.
My partner automatically looked at me with concern and asked me,
“Are you sure this is a good idea?”
“Will it trigger you?”
I replied,
“Well no”
I mean it didn’t feel like it did but the reaction from my partner made me feel like I was doing something bad?
Any advice would be great or even just opinions
If you tried non alcoholic options how did you handle it?
Did it work?
Thank you in advance :blush:


For me absolutely not.


This topic has been discussed extensively, if you use the search feature you will find several threads.

Be well on your journey


It’s unlikely to be good. Rarely does someone love the taste of beer so much they’re willing to flirt with death to continue tasting it. Usually one drinks non alcoholic beer to reminisce and ruminate on the old drinking days. This can be problematic.


I never tried it.


I think it’s walking in the edge. Some are able to have control on how they react and actually just enjoy it. Then some it sets triggers and collapse into old habits.
For me it’s no bueno. The taste would trigger my brain back to the drugs I enjoyed after.
Slippery slope

Congrats on 11 days!! Keep going. It’s life changing


In a social setting where you would normally drink alcohol, I think this is a good filler. You have a drink in your hand plus the taste can help you get by. I used to put diet coke in a coozie which looks like a Coors Light. People wouldn’t bother me about why I’m not drinking or pressuring me to have a drink. Good luck!

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I steer clear. It’s always lead back to the real thing. Plus it’s empty calories that I don’t need, and expensive. Works for some, but not for me.


I’m one year sober and I personally enjoy a 0% beer. Having one or two in social settings where previously I would have been consuming alcohol has helped. The taste doesn’t make me want to go back to drinking. I can take or leave a 0% beer - I couldn’t take or leave a “real” beer before I decided to quit.

But that’s just me. I really think it depends on your circumstances and obviously it’s probably best to swerve 0% alternatives if the smell or taste prompts you to want to drink alcohol again. I do understand why a lot of people are against them, yet they have been a useful part of my own sobriety.


Nope not a good idea soft drinks just as good


As someone who relapsed after 8 months I can tell you conclusively, absolutely not. It began with me having non-alcoholic beers and thinking I was doing something noble. It led to me drinking whole six packs of real beer shortly thereafter. Stay far away from it.


I like it. It’s never made me tempted to drink the poison version again, I just like the flavour of an NA beer.

It annoys me like hell when they bury it in the poison isle tho, I’m like urgghhhhh… having to look at all the polished turds whilst trying to spot the NA


Never did drink beer for the taste, if I’m honest.

Some will figure they can fit right in holding a “near beer,” but really, which attracts more attention? Holding NA beer or kicking back with a plain old soda?


There’s as many thoughts about this as it’s people here. For me the non alcoholic beverages works like a charm. For others not so much.

You can only figure out what works for you. There’s nothing right or wrong here. There’s no right way to stay sober. We’re all different and we all have or different ways and approach to it.


Congrats on your 11 12 days Ruby K.
Everybody is different in this.

I waited until I had a good year and a half 2 years sober. I was afraid if I had a NA beer my addict alcoholic brain would be screaming GIVE ME WHAT I WANT!! Not this weak ass shit. So I would not go near it.

Now after a good chunk of sobriety I like a NA beer now and again. They do have some good ones now. But only 1. No point in drinking more than one. Too gassy :joy:

My sponsor says Non alcoholic beers are called non alcoholic because they are for non alcoholics. And we are alcoholics so he say absolutely NOT.

It’s been so hot here lately I actually caught myself quenching my thirst with a NA beer. Thats not good. For me. I try to remember to quench my thirst with water before I sip a NA beer.

Be careful.
If there’s any doubt in your mind DON’T.


I enjoy one from time to time on social events or very hot day. Never makes me want real beer honestly. I just don’t really like sodas or fruit juices and sometimes I want something else than water. I’m not drinking 0% beer anymore cause I found out I like tonic water more.

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I was only a beer drinker before quitting. I do drink 0% beers occasionally in social settings which have not set me off drinking again.

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It’s never been an interest of mine. I look at it like drinking a soda. Empty calories. A friend of mine accidentally bought Heineken 00 one time and offered it to me. The only reason I accepted was bc it happened to be my favorite beer(wasn’t a huge beer drinker tho). It tasted identical and I reminisced a bit, but it didn’t make me want another. I don’t really see the point. There’s so many better tasting beverages out there.


I like, and somethimes, drink 0.0% beers, at a restaurant or when i’m on a walk and make a pause etc, it they have it… so, at least for now, it all goes ok.

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Honestly, at 11 days, you may want to consider if you are trying to pretend you are still drinking, or whether you are all in for sobriety. All in would mean letting your partner make the run up the beer aisle and telling them “Nothing for me, thanks”.