This is the end of day 3 sober.
However… someone I like has asked me out for drinks. This I could cope with until the questions like what my drink of choice is. Now that make’s things more tempting.
I explained how - to make it easier - I can drink normal things and still have a good time. But his response is alcohol makes the socialising easier. Hm.
What so I do?
I think if you are serious about stopping drinking it’s probably a bad idea to meet someone for drink when you’re 3 days sober as it might be too tempting but that’s up to you (thats my personal opinion anyway) if you do meet people for drinks then have a soft drink, it’s nobody else’s business why you choose not to drink alcohol, you can say whatever you want
if you feel you may be putting your sobriety at risk by peer pressure then again it’s probably a bad idea to meet up with people who you know you will put you in that position if you’re concerned you won’t be strong enough. Hope this helps 
Personally there is no way I’d be in a bar at 3 days sober! I could barely walk down the beer/wine Isle at the grocery store. If I did consider going, i’d really have to be honest with myself as to what my motive for going was. and if I was truly serious about staying sober why would I even want to risk the relapse? The truth of the matter is, it’s your choice! If you want to risk it, go, but have an exit stradegy if you feel pressured to drink. If you feel the urge, just leave. You don’t owe anyone an explanation as to why.
Personally I wouldn’t go.Maybe you should suggest a food place that has drinks if he wants one but not a bar.Besides that’s not very romantic, and if he’s serious about dating you then he will be fine however he gets to see you.
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