Is this the right place?

Look at the people celebrating their recovery/struggling… now a post about cats and dogs be more important than the point of this site…

if your not happy with the site just leave plenty of other recovery site online wish you well

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According to the NA/AA, which I understand might not have any affiliation to this site, but yall know how it goes "to keep your recovery, share your recovery " or however that goes

8 posts were merged into an existing topic: Derailment void / Off topic 2021 to present

Hi Rei,

At first I’m sorry you feel like this. Have you found the daily check in tread? It’s a very active tread. Like @anon74766472 already mentioned it’s crowded here and you don’t see easily all the new treads. I saw on your profile you liked 2 posts but received 10 :heart: by others, so you are deffinitely seen! :blush:


The number of posts usually reflects how long it has been going for. So for pet threads, they will just rumble on over the days/ months/ years, whereas a post for a very specific person or situation will usually have less responses because it is active for less time.

And of course as people get to know each other it is natural they stick together and celebrate each other. All of them were new members once and chose to stick around! Of course not everyone does and that’s fine too. We all have our own needs and will find them met in different ways.

When I joined I spent my first month or two reading around and getting a feel for the place. It made it easier to join in. Not that there is anything wrong with being active right away! But there is so much helpful info and I would highly recommend soaking up as much of it as possible!

For you or anyone else new to the forum, this is a good place to start :hugs:


The cats and dogs tread is an old one and because of the fact we also look for easy distraction it’s still alive as a tread. Most treads “die” early because the answer is given ore it’s old news, etc. You cannot compare those treads in my opinion :blush:
On this forum you find all: serious and funny non serious chats. We all need them!
Use the ones you need and skip the others!
Be open minded to use this app. Try the tips you read. Keep those who works en trow away the ones who don’t.
That’s what I did and still do :hugs:
And it works for me.
Hope it does the same for you! :facepunch:


Well Rei, this topic has 21 replies by now so it dóes get attention :slight_smile:


Yeah, but it’s not that I’m getting paid for it like a Facebook reel :joy:, still haven’t felt any better, just been getting triggered instead of feeling supported

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No one gets paid here! What support is it that you need at the moment?

Then read back all replies. I see lots of supportive replies.

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If you was/are an addict, you know what someone needs, maybe an ear, a word of support, a link

Im a black and white guy if you come on here and complain about this site then im going to defend it . and i do understand this illness and how it affects people so ill say no more and i always wish people well and thats what im saying to you I WISH YOU WELL hope you find the answers your looking for


How do you know what others know ?
What others know, depends on what they read. And communication has two distortions : on the listeners site, but also on speakers site…


Tracking Warrior, I want to be like you when I grow up

I did offer a link, to a post I wrote that compiles lots of helpful info for people who are new to the forum and maybe finding it hard to fit in and so people can easily find some excellent resources for recovery. As well as an explanation of why some threads are busier than others. That is my way of offering support. I hope it is useful to you, but if not then I hope you find what you are looking for :pray::sparkling_heart:


Ma’am, I did, but it took me to post in another topic to get that attention, otherwise I would have 1 reply just as the girl that posted, just as the guy that been 7 days clean🤷‍♂️

I appreciate that… this is the kind of helpful person I’m talking about :+1:

I learned so much here, that’s why I’m still here! I hope it can help you as much as it’s helped me :blush:


I’ll consider that a compliment :stuck_out_tongue: