It just keeps piling up!

Day 38…Everything that I’ve been drowning with alcohol is just stacking up in front of me…all over again…and for some reason it heavier today than usual. Money is fukd up…living situation is fukd up…bills are way overdue…still have to focus on school…job search is sucking…fiance left me because I can’t stop being a angry asshole…meds aren’t working for sleep anymore. I’m backed against a wall and i am struggling to fight my way out of it. And the only thing I can think about is drowning all of this shit with something dark and strong!! What a fukn day!


I’m sorry you are feeling this way. Oh I had those times too. To drink solves none of those and I can truly say that I can think of a lot of bad reasons to drink, but I can’t think of one good one. All this shit gets better. Be strong and keep stepping! Hugs from this drunk.


All that bs said… and you’re STILL sober! Things will fall into place. I know it might seem like a struggle at times. I’m on day 158 and still have days where my back is up against the wall. You just have to grind on and reach out as you did. That’s what we are here for. You aren’t alone; keep up the good work and remember we all have your back!


Drinking is not going to make all that stuff go away and you’ll have to deal with it anyway. May as well face it with a clear mind. I’m in a similar situation and I know that feeling all too well. Hang in there friend and try to stay in the moment and tackle each thing the best you can.


Thanks guys. This outlet is really the only one I have left. I am so tired of venting to family and friends and feeling like I’m just talking to a wall. So thank you


I hear ya buddy stay strong. Shits tough for sure

Will only be worse if you give in… Been there mentally all week but we’re making it… Might as well just hang here instead… :grin:


When you get through this sober, what can stop you from being free forever?

Calm seas make weak sailors. Stay on the hard path, for it leads to freedom. The easy path leads to destruction.