It’s been 90 days

I am 90 days cocaine free. I am almost 30 days alcohol free again.
I had a drink beginning of month, some wine. Nothing bad happened, I had two glasses w a friend and we finished the bottle. Nothing bad happened. But the guilt made me feel like I shouldn’t have done that so I am just to terms that I’m not in position to celebrate with alcohol ever again.
I am grateful to be sober


Congrats on 3 months clean and just about 30 days sober. :muscle::v:


Hello @Biondo.ari, Huge congratulations on your 30 days completely sober! 90 days with no stimulants isn’t an easy thing to do, I know this! And Congratulations AGAIN for realizing that you can no longer have “one drink.” At first, I use to seperate my sobriety dates…as a polysubstance abuser, I had a lot :sweat_smile:. Keep up the great work.


You and me both but i couldn’t give you the date for most of them. A lot of things i gave up along the way just by losing access to them rather than choicing to quit lol


Congrats I’m on day 7 for both of these but only used in small amounts 3 times in the last almost 30 days.


Mine are pretty easy. I chose to stop on new years lol. I stopped the stimulants (meth, coke, ecstasy) and cigarettes one year. Alcohol 2 years later, THC, 1 year later. And now im completely sober… I promosed myself I would quit slowly, but surely. One thing a year. I kept drinking for 2 years after the stims because I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that I had a drinking problem lol :upside_down_face: I was happy I wasn’t tweaking…but I was heavily drinking. Gained like 100 lbs :dotted_line_face:…took me 2 years to realize I’m an alcoholic and accept it. Then the damn THC. That itself was a different beast…im still suffering because of it. I low key lower my windows when I drive through DTLA…in hopes I can take a big ass wiff of weed when I pass the grow house :joy::rofl:


Wow 100 pounds is a lot. I’ve been the same 125 since i got puberty no matter what i do lol. Yeah i had a plug move half way across the country that had acid, shrooms, mdma, dmt, 2-cb and weed in every form and wash you could even think of and then some.

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Yeeah. I was 198. Ripped. 6pack n all. But tweaking. All bad, I know. I would smoke and work out for hours. Once I stopped. I reached 320 lol now im back to like 250. :+1: healthier. Geez that guy was rich :flushed:. I had a few people that I went to. Mostly cooked my own tweak for the last year. That didn’t go so well. The local gang found out where the girls house was and tried taxing me. :joy: I ended up taxing them and never going back. They’re all tough till you smack then in the face with a glocky. Thankfully, Jesus Christ watched over me and guided me to a better life.

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Yeah I’ve been rather fortunate in only dealing with rather well to do people than most. If i remember correctly the guy worked for the DOD too. Basically mostly only dealt with people who had other jobs and really didn’t need to sell thus never really bothered you or anything just waited for to top bother them and never played games. Like 3 years after i met him he moved from a nice apartment into a house.

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