It took violence to finally allow this gentle calmness ⚠️TW death!⚠️

Thank you for sharing your story and journey. Congratulations on your 22 months.

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Thank you all. For hearing me.

My story is not a sad story; it’s a real one. I fought through a storm, one I thought would never end… But it did. Addiction has been by far the hardest “love” I’ve ever had to walk away from. It’s still, nearly 2 years out, pursuing me. I am determined though, for it never again to catch me.

I’m not sure where Daniel and I would be today if he were still alive. I don’t know if we would both be clean or if we’d still be in the throes of addiction… I cannot say. What I do know is, everyone will stop using drugs and alcohol eventually. Only some of us will live to talk about it though…