It's a good day

Good morning! I have been sober since the New Year and I’m feeling absolutely amazing! It has been a struggle, but my mornings are fog free. I have so much more energy and I’m just overall happier. Sparkling water (I think it’s the bubbles…),Yogi Stress Relief tea and going to bed earlier have been game changers for me. What has worked for you all this year so far?


Hangover and regret free mornings are the best!! Congrats on your fresh year!!

I try to stay focused on today. Makes me less anxious. And getting some time out in nature helps me feel good too.

Love those bubbly fizzy waters too!


Knowing “This too shall pass.”
Had a bummer of a day yesterday. I felt it. All the emotions. Not happy ones. But I knew it would pass.

Today so far is a Good Day. Unfortunately having our feelings back, this too shall pass. But presently, I will enjoy it and be grateful for what I have right now.


Fizzy water and early beds too. Also making a conscious effort to shower and wash my hair. I wasn’t good at taking care of myself before and it’s improved my self esteem.

Well done you and great to hear you can feel the positive benefits :relaxed:


Oh god and coffee I forgot to mention. Strong bitter coffee to take the edge off.

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Glad you’re here & feeling better!

For me? Applying the steps in my everyday life, trusting in my HP, going to meetings, being honest with myself that I don’t ever have/need to drink again. It works as long as I work it daily.

Thanks for asking Pinkie.

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I’m so glad that you are feeling good! You are doing brilliantly my sober friend, let’s keep going!! I love to just be peaceful…… No nagging anxiety or heavy depression anymore. I love herbal teas and lots of good quality sleep. Some days are good and some no so good but I can deal with what ever comes along so much better sober. :pray:t2::two_hearts:

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@Dazercat, you are absolutely right. Knowing “This shall pass” is so important. It’s hope. Thanks for sharing.


@Megan3 , yes re the coffee! Me too, but I like half and half in it.

Adding to this topic in today is a good day. Today is 90 days for me! Love this new sober life. I will always try to take things one day at a time for the test of my life. #90days#onedayatatime every day is a victory. Happy new year all.

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