It's been 90 whole days

It’s been 90 whole days

It’s been 90 days.
90 days sense I picked up a knife, glass, box cutter etc.
Looked down at such a sharp object and take it to my skin.
Shred all my hurting and feelings away.
Open up pain to focus us. Cut deep and deep until satisfied.
It’s been 90 days sense I don’t such a stupid/silly thing.
These scars that lay over my body, resting and sitting there are scars of a person who’s been beaten and hurt.
Scars of a warrior.
Scars of a suicide attempted and suicide survivor of loved ones.
It’s gonna be olay. This survivor has turned to safe and blood free coping strategies.
Living a happy life.
Healing and getting better slowly.


I’m proud of u, keep going

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Congratulations! Great job!

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Congratulations on your 90 days. So happy for ya.

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Proud of you :+1:t6: keep it up :slightly_smiling_face: stay strong :muscle:

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