It's been four months ... Does it get easier?

It’s been four months …does it get easy … This is the longest I usually don’t get this far so to me it is very exciting I went thru alot adjecting to alot to get here I know it can not be easy but one day at a time … any advice or workbook


Hey Julie,
I know for me I hit a weird slump around 4 months as the shininess wore off.
I also found out I had to put some work into my recovery as just stopping using wasn’t enough.
For me that was getting involved in meetings and getting to understanding who I am etc.
We don’t all take the same path but people that stick around tend to work on their recovery rather than just abstaining. Just a thought :pray:


It does get easier. Those first months are hard as hell, no lie. Changing our lives, how we spend our time, our beliefs, beginning the process of clearing our bodies and minds…that is a big deal …a really big deal…and exhausting. It takes mental and physical effort.

Keep at it, find some books that inspire you (I read a ton of quit lit and books on alcohol, try This Naked Mind by Annie Grace)…or try some meetings, lots of people find community there. Start taking a look at your why’s and what do you need to heal to move forward. I know I had to learn to be okay with my feelings, with not necessarily being okay or feeling good all the time…and a whole lot more.

You are doing great. Stick with it. It gets way way better if we allow it to and allow our selves the true experience of life without substances. :people_hugging::heart:


Hey, Julie! Congrats on getting to 4 months! I thought quitting drinking was the hardest thing I have ever done, but it’s more like a layer in an onion. Peel off one layer and you discover more underneath. That’s where the real work begins. I’m facing a lifetime of habits and propensities that cause me a lot of stress and misery. Alcohol was a means of “coping” that just made everything worse. So maybe shifting the focus to recovery. We are recovering who we really are. It takes courage to face these habits and propensities with love and kindness toward ourselves. And patience! :pray::heart:


It does get better yeah but youve gotta put the work in…i did alot of work on what it was that brought me to the drinking in the first place…which for me was largely due to a severe lack of self esteem so basically i googled self esteem self help and read and did as much work on that as i could …also positive psychology helps me alot too it helps to rearrange negative thinking into more positive ways of looking at life…i truly believe alot of life in general is based around mindset. I also watched a documentary on netflix called Stutz which i found very helpful…start with an actual list of the things you think brought you to addiction then begin working on those…im still working on stuff as we speak…probably for the rest of my life but thats ok i enjoy the journey these days (im 18 months sober)


Im just over months and im getting that stagnate feeling as well but im walking closer with Jesus and hes been filling that void

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Yes it does…but its your workbook to write…and we’re all lookin forward to reading it.

Be well on your journey


For me, it started getting easier when I found a sponsor who was a good fit for me (I went through a few to get there) and started working the steps. It clears out a lot of baggage from the past. I felt a new freedom. And all the things that Sassy said helps, reading quit lit and being active here. Sometimes the change comes slowly and sometimes quickly, but it does get better. Hang in there! Really just make sure you aren’t trying to do it alone. I’ve never known DIY sobriety to work out very well.


Sobriety can be progressive if we work at it…yes, the 1st days are the hardest, but perserverence and support helped me get thru it. Cleaning up my mind so I could look at myself and drinking realistically helped me deal with urges.

I can say alcohol lost its hold on me since I haven’t had any urges or thoughts of drinking for over 30 years now ( sober since 1984).