It's cool to be sober!

Ahh, the subtle nuances of being a sober person. I can’t remember a time while using since High School that I went to the library, checked out several books and was all excited about reading. I know it sounds kinda silly, but I love this new feeling! So much better than being a drone and only thinking about the next time and place I was going to get wasted…


Its the toughts thing to do, staying sober is a statement and the world should encourage and welcome that . Awesome keep it up, love life and life will love you back


I kind of think of it sometimes like us addicts have had such a love hate relationship with drugs/ alcohol so much that we pushed it to the max. If the rest of the world wants to continue using that is great but for myself, and I believe everyone on here, I’m over it and the rest of the world can have our share. I have drank my lifetime of drinks and I’m glad its over!!!


I LOVE THIS POST SO MUCH! I feel the same way! Everything brings on a whole new depth… for me is the struggle of staying submerged in the feeling and not crave the floaty feeling of a high… just keep sinking into the depths of sobriety I guess


Way to go !!! Thats a great feeling! I love the library I just haven’t been in so long! It used to be my FAVORITE place! Congratulations!!!


I love this!!! I couldn’t agree more!!!


Read before u go sleep. Theoretically makes u remember the book or books, better.


I too love being sober and clean . So many things to be grateful for :heart: My higher power guides me .of course you and all positive aspekter on life. Agree to @Naturehippy Said its Brings it to a whole another lvl . Wow some things bigger than me . Welcome sobrierty guys and thank you all at this forum .im blessed


If I put as much effort into sobriety as I did getting drunk, imagine the possibilities :sunny:


Isn’t trying to be cool and fitting in what got us here in the first place?
danger zone :fire: :snowflake: :droplet:
but I did notice I thirst for knowledge. it’s funny because I have to relearn what my body needs and desires are. it’s like dating a new girl, except it’s yourself!!!
so there’s no arguing