Its hitting me like a ton of bricks

Hit reset last night and now I am disappointed af in myself. Today my husband and I were rearranging our room and found 4 hidden pint bottles that I forgot I had hidden. I dont know when it got so bad but I hate this feeling. I want to live without feeling like I have to drink to get thru the day.


Ugh I feel ya… Once I had a good run, came home after some skiing. I picked up a bit and found like 4-5 half pints and got so depressed. I live alone! It’s like I was hiding it from myself… I suppose you use it as a reminder.


So do it. You had a couple of weeks on your first try. That’s bloody good.
You felt elated at ten days, and why not eh?
Remember those feelings.
Also remember the reasons why you want to stop. Write them down.
Do you know why you relapsed?
You don’t need to feel like this again. Ever.


I started reading Russell Brand’s Recovery book. It’s pretty crazy when you can relate to someone else’s journey.
This is not my first attempt at sobriety, but I feel differently this time.
Don’t be too hard on yourself, but be honest with yourself.


Hell yes. That is very helpful!

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My husband dosen’t drink so when he seen those bottles he looked at me in complete shock. I felt so low. It was definitely another eye opener.

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Yes. I put myself in harm’s way. I went to a Halloween party when I knew damn well I wasn’t strong enough yet. I did it to myself and I’m mad as hell…at myself. I know what I have to do. Doing it is just harder than I ever thought it would be.


Excellent. Then you have learnt from it Nalena well done.
Stick around and reach out when you need to.


I plan in it :slight_smile: thank you.


Damn. That’s tough… But also an eye opener. Something to use something to heal.

At least you are working on your sobriety, now. Actively building up the discipline to make the conscious effort to quit is important. In the beginning, relapses are counter productive, but in so many ways, are educational. At least you’ve identified your trigger (going to a party) and can scratch that off the list of events until you’re confident and secure enough in your sobriety. Good job for resetting and rebuilding up your sober muscles!

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How are you doing @Lena0