What’s up everyone. So here I am, after talking to many of you I will continue checking in. I’m not sure what to say about my sobriety, I had 4 beers I use to say to ppl who drank a beer if it were me I’d reset my timer. Now I’m like fuck do I really wanna reset my timer over 4 beers. 456 days and now I’m zero over 4 beers, idk kind of why I didn’t want to come back because I know alot of the responses I’ll get if I say I’m still sober. I havent drank since those four beers which was like idk 8 days ago maybe. I don’t want beers, and to be honest I’m surprised it wasn’t a full on relapse. I still have not touched my main drug of choice cocaine. Idk I still feel good in my sobriety if that’s what I call it, idk but here I am checking in and saying hey letting you know I’m all ok. I learned alot in this year and grew alot. I’m still doing my tattoos and drawings and just doing the next right thing. Anyways much love…also yes I know I said I was thinking of moderation, but since those beers I have not drank and still in the future might have drinks, but atm I don’t want any. I really enjoy sobriety it gives us are best life
Glad to see you checking in. You do you. This is your journey. As you know being sober is all about being honest and living in your truth.
Keep up the good work. You got this
Alright just for you. Day like ten then
That’s what I’m trying to do it’s why I checked in. But it’s just like I use to do. Punish someone for having some drinks and say u need to reset, it was like I got some sort of pleasure out of watching someone reset and forcing them to reset over a beer dude a beer. So I had those four beers, yeah I enjoyed them, but don’t really see myself wanting them, but I also might. Really I probably won’t because I know where I was in life, I also see growth in me with these thoughts. But so if I don’t ever drink again I can’t say I have 456 days because someone thinks the 4 beers I had totally ruined it
They were all days I grew and got better at getting better. I didn’t lose those days over 4 beers. I’m still getting better, I’m still clear, im not fogged by alcohol so in my eyes I’m still sober.
Hey man I’m glad those 4 beers were only just 4 beers and not a crazy Binger. All that matters is what matters to you and that your living your best life and are loving it.
You as well
No, you did not lose these days. You made them in a consecutive way, you fought for them and what you learned during these days, also you whole life, is yours.
Most what I read is in I-form but it get your feeling. Being urged to reset, feeling attacked, the need to justify why you feel sober. I know this feeling. And it is getting better and better. It’s not all about me.
As @Mephistopheles said, for me it would be a door that I opened again, once in a while for me and I would soon be bargaining with a glass of wine here or there.
It’s not about your days. No one will or can take them away.
Right and if I did that then I would agree with rain, but I’m not doing that. The doors aren’t that open trust me I don’t really want to drink at all. If I continue or continued drinking I definitely would of reset
Go lad you’re checking in Mike💛
Welcome back man, glad you’re doing okay
Hey man felt the need to respond because you always helped me out when I needed.
Thank you for telling us this first off, it helps everyone here to see how you are handling this.
You don’t have to make the decision on your counter immediately. Ill just say for me I tried to not reset my counter a few times and eventually I realized my honesty and integrity were more important than a number. I am on this journey to be a man of my word as best as I can and resetting was always painful but its lead to better things. I can look at my number with pride.
I have your back either way (honestly) because whats most important is your journey and end goal. Personally I am a baby. I only like things I am good at, when my skills erode I get bitter and want to take my ball and go home. I can be the same way in sobriety. I enjoy it most when I think I am doing it well. A reset is humbling.
Love you Mike
This is why I’m worried; it’s like you expanded/changed your definition of what sobriety means. I agree with @Mephistopheles as far as it’s numbers you’re concerned with, not the reasons why you did what you did.
I feel the difference in you rn from before, the old Mike would never leave the door open to, “maybe, Idk, I might” way of thinking.
I’m glad to see you either way your numbers fall.
Remember that the growth and contentment you now enjoy today came at a price…sobriety. Your license renewal, your bike, your money saved, the admiration of your aunt, the bond built with your girls were all a byproduct of sobriety. 4 beers are no biggie to me if it isn’t for you but just don’t go backwards.
Welcome back mate
For me personally alcohol is removed out of my life and if I purposely take a sip it’s a relapse but that doesn’t matter as it’s my journey.
I reckon I could have 4 beers tonight and stop but that would trigger something in me to set off the intense mental craving and I’d be on the slippery slope within a week, hope this doesn’t happen to you. Maybe you aren’t at that stage of alcoholism ‘yet’
remember it’s always yet, alcoholism always gets worse, never better
You do you though mate, nobody is telling you to reset. Days don’t matter to me anymore anyway. It’s “one day at a time”. As long as I’m sober for today that’s all that matters
Have you worked the steps? That helped me massively
I fully understand about not wanting to reset, I managed 4 days then had a couple glasses wine. Is that worth a reset? Wasn’t drunk, didn’t do anything bad, was all under control. But I am only lying to myself, no one else. I still gave in to alcohol, gave in to that little argument that went on in my head before I had it. The problem is still there. I still have a problem with alcohol despite the ‘control’ of last night. I have only managed 300 days in the past. Be proud of your 400+ days. I hope to follow in your footsteps. But be honest to yourself, any alcohol requires a reset x
Very much so.
It’s not about the numbers, Mike, and you know that.