It's my Friday and I need help

This was a motivational read for me. Nice job reaching out in advance and making a plan. :muscle:t3: I hope you are feeling better soon.

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Glad you managed Friday without drinking, and get better soon!

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Thanks. I’m doing okay. I think chatting on here helped and being half sick did too. I came home and went it bed within almost two hours of being home. Feeling better now. Stuffy nose a tad, drank two cups of sleepy Time tea. Throats feeling a bit better. Testing out the 8k video recording on my new cell phone I got last week.

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Thanks. I appreciate it. I am feeling better today. Still got a stuffy nose. But the sore throat feels better and my sinuses are not throbbing as bad. When I had covid about 7 months ago. I felt like crap and I didn’t think about drinking for a month.

Glad I could be of assistance. I just have to keep on doing this. Even if it means posting stuff on here every my “friday”.

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Just try taking it minute by minute. Keep reminding yourself about how you will feel the next morning. I usually remind myself that if I drink, it will ruin my progress…just for a few hours of “fun”. Talk to a friend on the phone while you are driving home. Think about tomorrow and how good you will feel when you wake up without having that first drink.

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I do enjoy waking up without a hang over. I was up at 7am today. If I did drink last night I’d wake up still drunk. Browse through my phone to whom I may have pissed off or who I called. Then try and sleep all day. I dont really have a lot of friends. I’ve tried calling a few people on the way home before for that same reason. Usually don’t get an answer. I’ve often used well if they answer, I won’t drink. If they don’t, ill drink. Because I expect them to not answer. Currently sitting here away from keyboarding on a game. While I wait for YouTube to process the video I uploaded. Because I wanted to test the 8k Video recording my new phone I got last week can do. Can’t believe this thing can do 8k. Haha


Let me know how to find the video so I can check it out!

Yeah, it definitely does suck when you don’t have friends that will answer your phone. I’ve called the crisis hotlines available just so I can talk to SOMEONE, you know? You can do it! If you can make it one day, you can make it the next. Even if it takes a second at a time. :blush:


Definitely do things different, take different routes to work and home. You just got to think today not tomorrow. I’m 31 days. It’s hard I’m going through a divorce and it’s the first thing on my mind is to drink. I can’t let the cravings win. Our insane way of thinking gets to us. Please go to a meeting and talk to the fellowship. It the best thing you can do for yourself. I’m here with you, pray.


Me too the flu!!

Yes, it’s weird how our mind tries to warp things and make it seem okay to keep on drinking. Different routes to and from work are not really an option without going an extra half hour out of my way. Definitely not getting up earlier to do that and with the price of fuel.

I’m enjoying tea instead of the usual drink. So happy and looking forward to tomorrow. Day 18. You can do it


It was my Friday too and just what I needed to read. Keep it up.

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I did this every day it was horrible. You can do it!

Congrats! Tonight will be another sober night. Went mushroom hunting with a buddy. We found two.

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Yup the start if your post was me minus the friday part- EVry day after work and all day long on off days. Thankfully I found a really good group of people started going to NA but the best part was like I’ve done this before like 17 years and The only reason I share that is because I remember how good it was- so while drinking I went to a meeting, tears rolling down my face from the shares that I heard instantly connected but I didn’t share it because I didn’t have 24 hours yet. I continue to go with the same group of people meeting after meeting after meeting after meeting I began to laugh again reconnect to who I really am I really wanted to be and the obsession to drink left me nearly immediately-scooped up a sponsor, basic text And once again I’m on a roll experiencing everything that I knew I would but couldnt and didnt want. Feeling empowered where I had nothing but a desire to just get smashed and tilted. I definitely wanted to stop while it was still working because if I didn’t stop and it stopped working I will continue to raise the bar in nearly every way possible which includes behaviors. So glad for your Post thank you for being here!:call_me_hand:t2:

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@rjp001 I’m going through a divorce as well. It definitely makes it more difficult to not drink!! I’m 86 days AF and so far so good. But…those cravings still hit especially now that it’s getting so nice out :weary:
I just keep telling myself not today :upside_down_face:


Yup me too divorce- sooooooo hard at first- so thankful for the men in my support group and my home meetings plural lol. Feeling soooooo much stronger and lol not as wispy.


Hang in there and keep going, don’t stop trust me you will be fine. Stay blessed.


Congratulations bro keep it up you will overcome it.

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