It's ok to talk to yourself!

I do it all the time when I’m alone, more now since I work remotely, but it comforts me. I read once that intelligent people DO talk to themselves. (I continue to believe it no matter what anyone says). I also talk to my fur babies, they answer too (it’s really me) but they can be pretty funny with their comments. If you’re having a rough day, talk it out to yourself, you may be surprised. Of course I don’t recommend it on elevators or public transportation, unless of course you want people to give you some space, lol.

Congratulate yourself on every accomplishment or every day you go to bed sober. We should always be our biggest supporters, we are human, we make mistakes. But we need to believe in ourselves for others to believe in us. This was my (out loud) thought for the day. :heart:


Me too. I have some awesome conversations with myself.


Sometimes I’m talking to my dog, but ultimately realize I was just sorting something out with myself the whole time.

Talking out loud can really help you clarify things.


I do it often. Especially now. I work overnights in a hotel. So I’m just sitting here alone alot of the time. I have some amazing conversation. I almost always agree with myself. And the debates very rarely escalated to hostile arguments lol


Yess frequently. Sometimes starts as a convo w/ myself in my mind then the thoughts move to voice chat lol. Really, I process a lot verbally and I’m in my head constantly which leads to not being able to hold back the need to just say some things to myself out loud. Kind of a thought pressure valve
Also yeah, leads to some funny ‘laughing at my own jokes’ or helping process old traumas etc and/or emotionally prep for certain events/appts and such
This convo is very validating tbh
As someone w/adhd + bpd it’s * so hard * to just say nothing a lot of the time also lol


I do it in the car. People think I’m on the phone🤣


The best part of talking to yourself :joy:


I always say I talk to myself because it’s the only intelligent conversation around :joy:


Trying to imagine the person that doesn’t talk to themselves…


Those people exist?


It reminds me of when I found out that the majority of the world doesn’t have a constant running running voice in their head. And now since I’m voice texting this it sounds like schizophrenia but honestly honestly my brain does not shut up


I can be found often walking down the road “apperently” having a debate with somone on the phone …when I reality I’m just debating with myself … works for me .


Lol I’ll actually be on the phone… my earbuds. My hair coving them. And I’ll be have a complete conversation and people really think I’m talking to myself and I don’t correct them… I find it quite amusing. :joy:

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Oh my god this blew my mind when I read about it! Feels constant to me, too, and I’m practicing shutting it up. Which is actually possible with mindfulness and meditation. Here’s a fun article.

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I knew I wasn’t alone, even when I text like I am right now, I’m reading it out loud, LOL. Have a great AF everyone! Today is day 6 for me! :hugs: I just learned AF means alcohol free from another post, I was always reading it as As Fuck!

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