Its possible

I never thought it was possible, I really didnt. I have been in and out of “quitting” atempts for many years, whether forced or on my own. Nothing ever worked, no matter what i did. I seemed to self sabotage alot and make excuses. Did alot of damage to relationships of every aspect a relationship can be. Then one day after a terrible stretch of drinking, the worst of my life, it happened.

I dont rally know what it was, but i assume a true desire to never be like i was the night before or ever live that way again. I got scared and went through a ton of emotions. Kinda stayed in bed for almost 3 days trying to work up the courage to leave the bedroom, let alone go to an aa meeting like i knew i had to. I pulled myself together, scared to death but drove their and pulled in. I sat in my truck with a very strong force trying to get me to leave. I actully threw up. I went in pale, scared and wanting to run out. Sat next to an old aa vet(you can tell) and said “do you mind if i talk to you so i dont run outta here?” He smiled and talked to me. He told me about this app and a meeting finder. I have used this app everyday since.

Im at end of a relationship that i damaged by drinking beyond repair. I did my best to make amends, but we will both be better off. Thats ok, things have to change to move forward. Sacrifices of many sorts have to be made.

I have been sober for 167 having alot of fun on this side! I feel like a completely different person, maybe the true me that i lost a long time ago.

Thank you to all of you for your support. If you read this and you are new, its possible!


That’s awesome! We’re at about the same day count. I really like not having hangovers, being paranoid about what I did blacked out, actually enjoying the shows I go to instead of just using them to drink.

Every once in a while drinking sounds fun, but for me it’s always a disaster and I had to stop. Hate being “different” or having a “thing” but that’s my reality…

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Cheers for your story Danny. Not everyone who wants to get sober finds what you have found, hold onto its priceless. Oh and you probably know by now how we hold onto it… We give it all away :wink: .Congrats on your sober days.


Thank you that was a good read :pray:
Congratulations with your 167 days! :confetti_ball:

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Danny, thanks for the share. The first part sounds a whole lot like my story! It is possible!

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Love this Danny, thank you for sharing this with us…this was a privilege to read :blush:

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Thanks for sharing your story. It’s great to have you as a part of the TS family :heart:

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So lovely to see you Danny - doing so well and enjoying the benefits of sobriety! Here cheering you on my friend :clamp: :clap:

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