I've been clean for 5 months

I’ve been sober since Aug 15th. My thing was drinking and getting my hands on any drug I could get my hands on. I’m not gonna lie I want to go get a 6 pack and call it a day but I know that would put me right back to square one. All that hard work would have been for nothing. I just hope and pray for guidance.


5 months is incredible! Just think about that. Distract yourself with something, anything! Go for a run; bike ride; walk with a friend/partner/spouse. Or grab a 6 pack of your favorite sparkling water and go to town! That’s actually working for me. Replacing the beer with something else in a like vessel.


Stringing days together to reach 5 months is no small feat. I’m sure you are aware cravings only last on average about 20 minutes….what do you do that works for you during that extremely short time period? You and I are right around the same point in our sobriety….I have been fortunate this time around, to not have substantial cravings, part of that I owe to exercise, nutrition and meditation, but I think some of it has to do with mindset as well….there was no turning back this time for me…it just simply was never an option. Instead of looking at what I couldn’t do, or what I used to do, I found my mind was now focused on what I AM doing for me and my family. Ask yourself what has worked up to this point, have an emergency plan in place, whether that means time spent on here, going for a run, eating sweets, going to a meeting, decide ahead of time, so you aren’t staring at that six pack and trying to make a decision.


Congratulations on your 5 months!! Don’t grab that six pack… you know exactly where it will take you! :muscle:t2:


Don’t go back to it, no way!!!

Sometimes it takes work to say no to the cravings but it’s so much easier to deal with it at that stage than to have to deal with trying to climb out of rock bottom from day one again. Don’t go back to rock bottom.


well done maybe try a meeting next step will make your journey a bit easier wish you well