I've Chosen To Blossom

Yesterday I hit day 50. I cannot begin to believe that I’m still doing this, and that I genuinely want to continue this. I don’t want to go back to my vices, I love this version of myself. I am getting daily exercise, eating generally healthy, drinking so much water, and LOVING everything that is life. I love myself. I love my family. I love my animals. I have so much love in my heart. It’s been a process to just get here, I had to exclude myself from things my friends were doing. I stayed home alone, I did anything I could to stay away from my vice. I experienced painful WD’s, I’ve changed and grown. This app helped me so much, I was held accountable and have been able to relate to so many of you. I want to help any of you that need it or at least just be another person to happily give advice and listen. Life is beautiful sober. I couldn’t promise that enough…


Hey, congrats! Im at 40 days, and I’m feeling good too. I love how good the future is looking and i know that drinking cant be part of that future. Keep kicking butt!


Glad your loving life isnt it great to look at it sober lots of love there doing great desire to stay sober well done girl have agreat day