I've lost count how many day 1s I've had

So I’m back at day 1…again… after what feels like the 3 millionth time
I thought I had everything under control…I don’t, I almost lost everyone around me (again) and this time has to be the last ever day 1…
So here we go, this is my promise to myself and my kids and my partner that I can finally do this!!! :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


After many day 1’s myself I wish you all the best.


What are some things you can do differently this time to help you stay sober?


24 hours!!! That’s amazing, keep pushing forward and never give up! You got this​:heart::heart::heart:


Stay reading all the time, I have so much quit lit that I’ve started and then just left
Make sure I have some time each week to de stress and work through anything that might be triggering
My biggest problem is building things up and then blowing it way out of proportion because I’ve had too much to drink!


Those sound like some great ideas!

I’m sorry you’re back to day 1 but glad you’re here with us :slightly_smiling_face:


That is the Achilles heel of all addicts.

How are you going to be accountable? Are you going to join a program?


I went to a alcohol Councillor but I said all the right things and I was discharged
Going to look at AA


I’m going to one on Tuesday night, I’ve literally just gone on the website and spoke to someone!
Glad you’ve enjoyed it, hope I find it helpful :blush:


Hello, this is my first post on here but I’m in exactly same situation as you! in fact I’ve had so many day 1’s I’ve got an addiction to pressing the reset button! :roll_eyes::joy:
But more seriously I’m stuck, just like you are. The desire to give up is there, but it’s not strong enough to make that final break! What does anyone do in this situation? I really want to give up and I know if I can just get through day one then I can manage day 2! But how to conquer day 1? that is the question…


Honestly I wish I knew the answer, for me day 1 always comes again cos I’ve been yelling at my partner and my kids and his kid hear it all then go back to their mums and tell her everything and the guilt, shame and hopelessness just take over …
I’ve done a month beofre then convinced myself that I’m OK…this time the hard work I’ve put in before I just need to do it again and continue to do it, and I’m going to a meeting on Tuesday which I’ve never done before so fingers crossed something sticks!
I’m ruining so many relationships through booze and that wine witch always convinces me that it wasn’t as bad as I remember…but it always is
I always think day 1 is the hardest because I’m exhausted both physically and mentally- but it literally has to be done 1 day at a time
Phew that was lot :grin:


Go to a meeting. Go to three meetings. It’s a guaranteed safe space. Most cities have multiple meetings happening at different times of the day and if distance is a challenge there’s meetings happening 24 hours a day online: Online meeting resources

Welcome @Ceri!


Welcome back! What will you do differently this time?

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Try a meeting make it easy not hard they will help wish you well

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How are you faring? What had been your experience with the AA meetings you have tried?


Start writing things down. This app has an option to add a note to each reset. I have a bunch of day 1s myself. It helps to look back on my history and see what i did and how I felt with each reset.
I know that writing things down has helped a lot of people.

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