I've swapped the booze for vaping

I’m not sure if this is a good thing or not - now vape addict! Is this common?


Question for the non English speaker: what’s vaping???

It’s using electronic cigarettes :blush:

I definitely smoked more when I stopped drinking. I also had monstrous sugar cravings.

Whether that’s an issue for you depends on your health goals. Personally I didn’t want to be addicted to nicotine so I stopped smoking a few months after stopping drinking, when I felt ready. I have more of a rocky relationship with sugar but it’s something I’d like to get on top of at some point.


Ah ok😅 thank you!!!

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My smoking also increased when I stopped drinking, after about a year I switched to vaping, then quit completely a couple of months later.
Vaping is not great, if you stick with it maybe it will take a few years off at the end of your life, maybe not. Booze will kill you much quicker and will destroy your life in the process.
I was okay with doing it for as long as I need, but It’s a personal choice for you to make :slight_smile: just stay away from the booze!


As both a smoker and until recently heavy drinker, I’m not sure how taking up vaping works in compensation for drinking. It’s not a judgement - just a point of curiosity. However, it’s better for you than drinking and to my knowledge - no major long term health implications. If you weren’t addicted to nicotine, can you not simply use nicotine free vape if the reason for using is something to do with occupying hand and mouth?just a suggestion?

Hi Peace12. I think it came from when I was in rehab. Smoking and vaping was such a common social thing there and it has stuck with me.

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Hi @Mark … stopping booze is your number one priority…I smoked heavily when I stopped…then cut down and started vaping… alcohol will destroy your life and vaping won’t so definitely a better choice… just be conscious of the vape strength and cut that down when you can… also gradually introduce healthier options… do you do exercise? :grin:


I had quit smoking when I stopped drinking and was already vaping. I was trying to taper my nicotine levels and I distinctly remember having to go back up a mg notch from 9mg to 12mg I think it was. I definitely wasn’t feeling the effect and was vaping like a steam train for a few weeks. Soon settled back down again, just have to ride it out my friend. Worth it in the end. :muscle::muscle:


This a common trend… my home group is filled with all kinds of wonderful vape smokes… dam near everyone has a smoke machine glued to their hands… so consider yourself in the right spot.

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I’ve vaped for nearly three years now as I hated smoking but couldn’t stop completely. Drinking has never been an issue for me apart from possibly occasionally being a bit of an idiot when drunk, drugs however have been my problem for many years, I havn’t used My second and third doc for just over five months now and hadn’t used My main doc for a month till a minor relapse eleven days ago and am determined to not have another relapse and even though I have never had a problem with drinking I understand that I cannot drink or take any drug. Regarding the vaping I’m going away for a month in June and I’ve bought a niquitin patch taper pack as I’m sick of spending sixty quid a month on e liquid.
I know my post digressed a bit sorry for that. This app is brilliant and by far the best one available, none of the others have a forum as good as this. Thanks for being here folks😊

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Yes can’t go anywhere without mine
Also the cookie dohnut cake milkshake and whatever else sweet vapes help those sweet cravings instead of stuffing the real thing :laughing:

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I highly recommend Six Licks Truth or Pear vape juice. Very sweet but beats the old ciggies hands down.

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