Jail sobered me up , blessing in disguise

When or why was your “moment” you decided or knew you wanted to be sober?
When I feel like having a glass of wine or a mixed drink , I always remember WHY I wanted to stop, alchohol put me in jail , my actions of course were alcohol induced , I not being able to see my son, facing a possible separation and divorce , jail was a blessing in disguise for me . It made me realize WITH A CLEAR MIND what I was doing to myself! And why I want to quit , so I’m curious what/when was your moment

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I quit smoking a week before my dad had a stroke, probably partly from smoking a deck a day or more since he was 14. I had this feeling to quit smoking. It was really strange, I just gave up like that, literally a week before he got sick. And I’ve tried quitting 100 times. Timing was very strange.

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It’s not sober but it’s quitting an addiction, that I’ve been doing since age 16. I can now sit near someone smoking and not want one. It’s amazing really. But it’s been a long road to get there.

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I advise getting in a program if your not already in one court ordered… Dont try to cheat as cheating gets us no where. Ive seen many that jail was what it took. Ive also seen people go for months or years to come back out hangin with same crowd gettin high again just to vop n go right back… You have to want and make change in your life. Be open and willing to make any changes necessary drastic or not.

When I had started sneaking bottles into the house so my hubby wouldn’t know. And my son saw one. In his innocence he had no idea what it was and said something about it. A light bulb went on and I realized what I might end up putting him through. What if he had taken a drink of it thinking is was “juice”? I knew my actions had been selfish and this little guy deserves SO much more. A mother who is completely present at all times…


I’m in a program :heart:


I was so thick and it took me so long to realize long after it was obvious. I had a roommate that continually expressed concern that I had begun to drink 4,6, 7 times weekly and several drinks each time. But I convinced myself I didn’t have a problem, purely because I couldn’t accept that I had a problem. Finally after a year I put myself in inpatient detox for the first of 6 times. Started to finally understand I was wrong and I had a problem.

I had a moment when I knew I could get sober. For decades I had known I should, and for years I knew I would not or could not do it on my own.

During my last arrest fur DUI, as the officer was walking up to my car, time stopped. I heard a voice in my head saying ‘It’s going to be alright. I will be able to stop drinking now.’ Then time restarted and he came to the window and I was arrested and that was my last drink.

At the time, I did not credit this as a spiritual experience or a visitation, though I do now. I did then start to get outside help, first from my doctor and a counselor and after a few weeks from AA.

Whatever it was that visited me that day remains in me and I see the glowing of it in every addict and alcoholic, high or sober.

Blessings on your house :pray:.


Yup, I was getting pretty creative… Then was constantly paranoid…

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Wrecking our car, spending a night in jail and coming close to losing my marriage and my girls. I was drinking so much i was hiding it in to go coffee cups and saying its apple juice when my husband asked what i was taking to work in them.

Initially it was my wife’s words.

We were married 3 months. I had a few months sobriety. Maybe 10 or 12.

Went to work. 23rd December 1988. Christmas party. I had been “nibling” Next morning walked in door. After all night session.

Her words. "What a lovely Christmas present "

Those words echo in my ears today like it was this morning. I hope I never loose sight of that moment. I proved over time I had done it for me. I have only on very rare occasions felt like a drink since. I do have to be aware today as much as ever.

What I enjoy today I would not trade for one taste or a truck load of alcohol.

I know peace, serenity, contentment and acceptance, beyond measure. I have found in sobriety all I sort in the bottle and far far more.

Give me 1 reason to trade that.

I will give you 10,530 days sobriety why not. I have not come this far to come this far. I have come this far to keep on going.

You can come for the ride 1 day at a time too.

Your Friend John :grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:

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I finally got tired of poisoning myself everyday. My kids are amazing and the sweetest and they deserve a mom who is present, and more active in their lives.