Hey just want to introduce myself. Jerome from the Netherlands and struggling with a lot
Welcome Jerome! We are hervto listen and to help!
Welkom Jerome! I’m German, but I’ve lived in the Netherlands 6 years! Nice to have you on board!
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Hi! Welcome! Good to have you here! I am originally from the Netherlands, but live somewhere else in Europe now. Really happy you found this app and we are all here to help you!
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Welcome, @Jerome! I am originally from The Netherlands too and now live in the USA.
Come here, be here. Welcome. It is a journey but one you want to take.
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Hi Jerome,
Another Dutchie here: Claudia, nice to meet you!
Here for years and sober for years too, this app and the people here helped me a lot with it.
If you are ready then share your struggles, we are here to listen and maybe we can help a bit too.
Welcome here
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