Jessica Simpson- 6 years

Saw this this morning. Jessica Simpson- 6 years sober. And mini story of her breaking day.
Thought it might be worth sharing.


Oh I read about her sober anniversary, well done to her. She truly looks fantastic now, literally a picture of health!

When you look at her before picture, you can see how bloated her face was. My face was red and bloated too when I drank. I go make up free most of the time now, I don’t have to hide the drink face anymore.

Couldn’t be happier for Jessica, she’s a great role model. More and more celebs are turning their backs on alcohol, favouring healthy lifestyles. Jessica should be really proud of herself :heart:


Thanks for sharing Beachy.
I love to read stories about the celebrities that turned their lives around.


" I have made nice with the fears and I have accepted the parts of my life that are just sad. I own my personal power with soulful courage. I am wildly honest and comfortably open. I am free."

Goddam inspiring.


Aww thanks for sharing @Beachy

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I read an article with her pics and her transformation is amazing. So happy for her and her beautiful family.

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