Joined Virtual AA

I joined a virtual zoom AA meeting tonight. Actually, I ended up staying for 4 of them. They addressed my concerns with God from the first meeting. Amazing to be in this group. They were all so welcoming and I didn’t feel pressured to share at all! I listened and that was accepted. They even did a meditation at the end!

I have been on this talking sober group for awhile, mainly lurking. Want to let someone know that if you don’t know if In person AA is for you, then try zoom,virtual. They do not make you speak and they do not call you out. It’s amazing

Only stating what some of my fears were.


Thank you! I will work my way to in person. This was a perfect first step. I’m a bit of an introvert so virtual spoke to me. :slight_smile:

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Thank you for sharing. This might suit me x


It’s nice to have you back here :slightly_smiling_face:
I lived on the virtual 24hr zoom meeting in my early days.
Fell asleep to it, woke to it repeat and it helped get me get sober.

Meditation also has been a real help, I had to slowly introduce it but it really helps me now.

It’s nice to read how well your doing with meetings and that you find them helpful.
Thank you for sharing :hugs: its lovely of you to share this as when I first started I had very similar if not the same fears.

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Thank you so much for replying! They are really helping me! Meditation is a great recommendation and something I have a real interest in practicing more regularly. Thank you for sharing that it has helped you! :slight_smile: I hope you have a great day today!

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Work what works for you. One thing I realized about recovery groups is that you are not alone with your struggle. You pay it forward by listening and having compassion/empathy towards others. One day at a time.

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These meetings are great. Great support

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