Joining the 700 club

Today is the big 700. I’m a grateful recovering alcoholic with so many beautiful people in my life. AA has worked for me this far and though it’s not for everyone I need it as it’s my #1 medication and therapy for fighting my alcoholism. Over the past few months I wasnt as active on this app as I struggled with all the relapse stories. I’m not trying to be an ass but I’ve worked hard at keeping sober and relapse doesn’t have to be apart of anyone’s story. As a hard blackout drinker from his teens until age 51 when I hit my bottom. I’ve done whatever it takes to remain sober as the next drink could kill me. I reached out to another person on this app and she gave me alot to think about for myself and how I deal with others topics. This app has helped me continue and grow in my Sobriety . Thanks for letting me share and I wont be drinking today.


Great job on your 700 days and welcome to the club!!

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Congratulations on your 700 days x

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700 days is amazing, my friend! We are always changing our perspectives and growing. You are an inspiration! :two_hearts::bird::fire:


Congratulations, 700 days is awesome!! :tada:

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Congrats Jimmy! The stories you have shared of your journey to get to this point have certainly been helpful to me and to many. Keep on fighting!

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Congrats. Your positvity is something I admire. Not only are you an inspiration, but you always put AA in a positive welcoming light. I truly appreciate you insights.

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Nice job Jimmy! What’s your favorite change so far in those 700 days?

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Thanks Mandi, there has been alot of things I love with this change in my life. Discovering more about myself has been huge and interesting. Being ever so present for everyone in my life like never before. Remembering everything I do and if I need to make amends I know why. Having a new group of friends that know what this life of sobriety is like and to have those beautiful people to turn to when I have questions, concerns and a shoulder once in a while. There’s alot of great changes I’ve seen and I still have alot of work to do, but it sure beats the hell out of the way it was.


700 is amazing!!! Congratulations!!

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Nice one Jimmy! Congratulations :grinning:

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Thank you all very much. I’m so happy I came across this app and have gotten to know so many of you. You are all very special friends and I thank you for your shares and stories.


Thats the way to do it JIMMY BOY Well done from this old scotsman


Thank you Ray! I’m so grateful to my friends like you brother!

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Jimmy, such huge congratulations to you! Thank you for sharing yourself with us.


My wife sent me the attached photo of an alcohol fueled text I sent her on this date 2 years ago. I was in a depression and only getting worse while the alcohol kept me down. I was drinking anything I could find and It would be a couple more weeks before I would hit my bottom. I was pretty much living in my back yard my last month of drinking. It’s because of days and incidents like these, I know I cannot drink anymore. I’m afraid it would take me back to suicidal thoughts quickly. I’m sure my wifes timehop will have some more of these pop up as I get closer to July 28th 2017, my bottom date. My life has improved so much over the last 2 years that its unbelievable and sad to me when I see this stuff. But I feel I need to see it and never forget how bad things had become. Serenity and strength my friends.


WOW! Such a powerful reminder!

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Strong stuff there!! Reminders keep me on the right path. Good job on your 2 years!! Very impressive!! :heart:

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