Journaling - How Do You Do Yours?

I’m always keen to start journaling and generally living more mindfully, but I’m never that sure what to write, how to structure it etc.

I have tried the method of just spitting words out on to a page and seeing where it takes me, but I don’t tend to stick with the habit that way. Also, I feel like this is a good method if you have a lot of stuff you need to pour out on to the page, but what about when things are going well? I would like ideas of a basic structure/sub-headings etc that I could develop into a daily/nightly routine.

How do you do yours?


I used to do some journalling but struggled with it as well. Im not one of those people that can just start writing on a blank page and get my thoughts down. What helped me though was to have questions to answer every time I journalled. For example at night, i may ask myself:
How was my mood today?
What is 1 thing i did really well?
What is something i can improve on for tomorrow?
Questions like that. Or in the morning journal entry id ask myself:
What are my plans for the day?
How can i be of help to someone today?
What 5 things am I grateful for?

I found when i answered questions, it helped me to journal and get my thoughts down. Sometimes questions would provoke a good paragraph or two bcuz it helped the thoughts to flow more easily :slight_smile:


I have different types of journals. Sometimes there are long gaps between journaling sessions but it’s okay.

One journal is for gratitude.
Morning prompts: 3 things I’m grateful, 3 things that would make the day amazing, 3 positive affirmations.
Evening prompts: 3 things that were well today, 3 things I need to improve / 3 things that have made my day better.
I might use all prompts or just some of them.

One journal is for venting in which I write whatever comes to mind. Ranting, writing about my worries, describing where I am and what I see, how I feel, just practising my handwriting. Anything goes. These are temporary and I destroy them when they are full.

I also do visual journaling which is my favourite form and wish I would do it regularly. I do combination of sketches and short descriptions but one could do collage or print photos. My topics are usually mundane.

There are also One line a day diaries. Those sound fun but I know I would not stick with it. :smile:

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Thank you guys, this is exactly the kind of advice I was looking for. Much appreciated! :slightly_smiling_face: