Why do I feel the need to take everyone’s inventory I see out in public? A bit crabby today and full of judgement. Still sober (thankfully), but sheesh if I could just shut the hell up and worry about myself that would be great.
I find myself doing this and have to tell myself to stop. I’m trying to be less judgy and TRYING to be a better person. Its hard, lol. When I drank I felt invisible and didn’t care who I judged or what I said. Did some pretty shitty things.
Same here @Elisabeth ! All day I’ve had to tell myself out loud to shut up. It’s hard trying to be a better person but I hope eventually it’ll become a habit and we won’t even have to think about it anymore because we’ll automatically be doing it. Baby steps, progress not perfection. Oh heck when I was drunk I judged everything! Nobody was safe. Do’h!
I’ve been pretty quick to anger and bratty…but sober for almost a whole week now. I was more jolly before…I guess now I will just be an angry, cynical bitch…but a healthier one haha
Hahahaha!!! I’m right there with ya! I hope this passes soon because I’m not going to want to be around myself.
Sounds like it’s a woman thing… Lol, (sorry couldn’t resist…)
In seriousness though, I have found reciting the serenity prayer whenever I feel that way to be my release from those judgmental feelings and emotions.
Also, I always try to emphasize the best I can, and basically try to walk in their shoes.
I’m still trying to learn all the chants/prayers, haha.
By woman thing, I think you meant human being thing.
Definitely start my day with the serenity prayer and the third step prayer. Being aware of my jerkface self is the start of stopping it.
That’s a hard one. I’m content with myself, I don’t really need to belittle people to make myself feel better.
Yet, with new sobriety, I have realized my reactions to negative incidents is far different. Just the other day I was driving to work, some dude cut me off and gave me the finger, instead of laughing it off I went along side him and gave him the bird.
Anger is the weakest emotion, next to fear.
You’re rewiring your brain, it will take time, but it will be awesome once you’re there
Definitely don’t judge to make myself feel better by any means. My comments in my head about others are usually something like "why didn’t that person’s friend tell that person that’s a terrible outfit."
I had one day of being judging and I made the mistake of venting about it apparently.
Yes, you are right.
I was just poking fun at the fact that it was all females that posted up until I did.
It was just a joke.
Definitely gotta laugh during recovery! Thank you!
It’s hard. When you figure out the path to not doing this, let me know
Do you mean judgy about substance use specifically or ALL things? I find it interesting that when I went vegan I did find myself getting a bit judgy about meat (not at people specifically, but at the industry and society in general). Now that I am a perfect sober person (because 1 month clearly makes me a better person…right?) I do find myself getting all judgy about how acceptable drinking is in our society. I just have to keep reminding myself that I once was that person eating the Big Mac because commercials told me how tasty they were, and I was JUST JUST JUST that person having the drinks to have fun with my friends, or to get over the rough work day etc.
As for other things…I do TRY not to be judgy, but I’ll admit the thoughts do get through sometimes. I will be very judgy of Donald Trump and I won’t appologize for that . LOL
I am a cashier and tbh, I can be judgy, especially when customers treat me like trash. Or when they bring reusable bags… Especially when they are dirty inside, ew.
Oh, and people who argue about the price, no. Just no.
I admit, late at night I am worried about customers who appear to be intoxicated because we have no security late at night.
So your not alone!
PSA: Wash your reusable bags! They are nasty!!!
Oh my gosh it’s so hard some days! I catch myself doing it, tell myself to shut up then say I hope that person has a great day. Makes me feel a bit better after catching myself being a jerk.
I’m vegan too. I still judge the meat industry! Ha. I catch myself being judgy in an “mean girl” fashion, as in “that person should looked in the mirror before they left the house”, cue the side eye judge face. It’s very unbecoming of me but I catch myself and have a chat with my brain. The media makes so many things seem like it’s just the thing to do, and everybody does it so should you. Congrats on 1 month!
Don’t get me started on Trump!
Oh you must see all walks of life!! I understand. I was a waitress in a pub for years. That job made me hate mankind most days. Lots of self entitled people out there! Why do people try to haggle the price as if you’re the one who set the price on it. Dealing with the public isn’t easy. Occasionally I did meet some genuinely nice people.
How do people bring in dirty bags?!? Eeewww
Ya know those environmentalists? And reusable bags stores often sell? Well, they just bring dirty ones in and Target of course expects us to pack them.
They also buy all organic yet let their produce that is wet (such as lettuce and cilantro) sit directly on the conveyor belt.
They also never separate the meat from the rest of their food.
Yes I judge those people and worry they will get salmonella (however I know it isn’t my problem so I don’t worry too much).