Just a random thought!

Only drunks & children tell the truth unfortunately!

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Heyy i hope your ok on your end

I never lie
I can’t do it
If i know the truth i say it

If i had to lie about something
I wouldnt do it
Ive lived by that for sence i met my wifey 3 years ago

When i was drinking and smoking in my old relationship i hid things i didnt feel good about

I used to roam around the streets picking up weed roaches
One was lased with something strong
Thats the only thing i ever lied about with my ex

Other then that everything is in the opened

Sometimes its best to get advice from those closest to you who you can trust because the past cant change. Lieing is bad but some things arnt worth fighting over in my opinion


Hmm… I told a lot of lies as a drunk. Lies I no longer tell, because I don’t need to hide my addiction or justify drinking.


Thanks for the concern but im fine, & it was just a silly random post! Stay Hard & Blessed my friend!

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Ah thank you for the update

I was worried about you lastnight and the advice i gave

Stay strong my friend :slight_smile:

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