Just got DUI having extreme guilt

How am I going to get through this??

With daily resolve not to drink or use.

My Dad died in a DUI. He’d been in a couple of them and went to AA, but it didn’t stick. Yes, one consolation was that he didn’t hurt anyone else. I hope you continue on your recovery journey. I used AA to get sober, that helped me.
You can do this!!!


@Phoebe I’m sorry about the loss of your Dad. It’s hard to believe that someone could have more than one DUI and it not be enough to get them to stop drinking. But I’m beginning to understand after hearing all the different stories in my home group, that nothing on earth can make the difference until the person drinking makes the decision.

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Literally in the same position as you on the same day and have no traumatic injurys. I am trying to not drink until my court date as well as start AA and communith service now. Im planning to do something physically active each day as well as find a healthy outlet to keep me busy and expel energy. I hope your family is supporting you as much as they can. My partner is beyond frustrasted and seems to be on the verge of seperating so I hope your situation differs a little.

I am focusing on what i can control. Im taking things hour by hour and not dwelling in the lows because thats when bad choices are made. You are not garbage. You made a mistake and had bad judgement while impaired. We are not the person we are when drunk. We get to choose who we really are right now. Start steering the ship in the the direction you know you should be in. We got this.


I nearly lost my arm in 2020 to drink driving.

Don’t be like me.


Stay here. Stay sober. Meet those challenges straight forward and sober. It will feel like crap. But I’m sure, sober. Stay strong. I’m here

Been there. It’s the shittiest feeling, but you can use it to change. I was sober for a few weeks after my DUI, but didn’t fully commit to sobriety like I am now, and went right back to drinking (used some other shitty life circumstances as an excuse). Don’t do what I did. Like others have said, it takes commitment and work every day.

Obviously a DUI is serious, and while I’m not trying to ignore that fact…in my mandatory DUI classes, there were so many good people who just either made a big mistake and/or had this shitty addiction. NOT “bad” or “evil” people…kind and good people with families, good jobs etc…but people who were struggling. This made me feel less like a “failure” if that makes sense. No one is perfect. You can make a comeback from this.

I know this sucks right now, but you’ll make it through. Acknowledge your negative feelings, pick yourself up, and don’t give up. :people_hugging: Take care of yourself.

Update: :rofl: Didn’t realize this was from back in January! Lol oh well…maybe it’ll help someone :woman_shrugging: