Just gotta get back up and come back stronger

Well I’ve been at this for 3 weeks now, and I’ve relapsed 3 times. I made it 6 days, then 7 days, then 5 days… Today was the worst one yet. I’m kicking myself so bad right now. There’s nothing left for me to do but up the ante. I’m gonna install some blockers on my phone. I don’t know the best ones for android, so if anyone has solid recommendations on blockers I won’t have to pay for I would appreciate it (it sickens me to see how many of the blockers are charging $10-15 a month. It feels exploitative and I can’t bring myself to line someone’s pockets because I need help)

I’m also gonna check myself into an SA group and work on finding accountability partners. If anyone wants an accountability partner, let me know. I’d love to have more people who can relate with me and check-in with on our addictions. The more the merrier :grin:

I hope everyone is doing well! Let’s go kick these demons from our minds :muscle:


I’m on a contract with my phone provider. I’m on a promotion where my service bill is 30% lower as long as I’m using this phone. If I switch to any other contract, my bill goes up 30%, so it wouldn’t really be practical for me financially. Setting up blockers and screen time trackers is the best I can do right now without financially shooting myself in the foot…

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