Just hit day 60

Feels really good to know that it has been 60 days since I spent money on booze, was drunk , making bad decisions and waking up hungover.
This app has been a tremendous help. Thanks!!!


Well done, congratulations on 60 days!

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Congratulations :confetti_ball::tada: good work!! :muscle:t3:


Great work. Congratulations. Keep going!

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Well done!! Congratulations!!


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Amazing, can’t wait to get there.
Could I just ask, what do you feel has been the most difficult but for you? What has been your personal obstacle to overcome?
Just trying to prepare myself if possible…

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Congratulations buddy :clap::facepunch:

Great job !

Great job, well done :heart:

Honestly, when I made up my mind to quit, that was it. It has been fairly easy for me because I had the mindset to sober up and stay that way. I knew I had a new life ahead of me and I didn’t want any part of the old life.
I’ve enjoyed the weight loss, money saved, mental clarity and generally an over all better attitude.


Great work on your 60 days!!!

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Find a treat for yourself for saving all of that money!

I feel the exactly the same. I don’t crave or miss it, I just feel much much better x
Well done to you x❤️

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:muscle: Smashed it!

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I’ve had a plan for it since day 1. If I calculate just days I drank at home I would have spent $4800 this year. That doesnt include going out with freinds on the weekends or drinking if we went out for dinner.


Biggest congrats mate! Well done!

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Well done! So proud of you! :grinning:today is 30 for me. You’re inspiring me to keep going!

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Congratulations! I hit my 60 days on the 24th! :blush::raised_hands::tada:

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