Just hitting 3 months cocaine free

Hey folks, this is not my first trip down sobriety lane, I quit drinking 20 some years ago, until 3 years ago when my life started to fall apart, me and my wife seperated and i turned to drinking, which drove a wedge between me and my kids, next was cocaine to numb whatever i couldnt kill with alcohol, for two years this went on and on December 1 2019 i was awoken and told my best friend, my only real friend my whole life, my sister, had overdosed and was dead, i spent the next 9 months not caring if I did the same and I damn near a few times, one day I said fuck this, I looked up and I have my three kids, my girlfriend, even my ex wife still looking at me waiting for the real me to come back, So I did, today im just shy of 3 months of that shit and I feel amazing, but it wasn’t easy, and it isn’t easy, but its worth it, every goddamn day is worth it, nothing but love for people like me who just keep trying and falling, one day you will stop falling, and learn to stand again! :heart::v:


Congratulations, that’s a huge accomplishment.

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I’m happy for you, Tony! Welcome!:raising_hand_woman:

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Congratulations, this is huge! Keep it up

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3 months is fantastic!!!

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Welcome and well done on your 3 months. Keep it up. :+1:t2:

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Amazing job. My condolences about your sister. I was just recently at 3 months it was a great great feeling but I chose to use. But I am super proud of you keep up the great things your doing man if you have any information that is beneficial to my recovery please send me a message :v:thanks david

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Man just don’t give up, I have watched way to many friends in your shoes right now that give up on themselves because they slipped again, and again, and again, myself included, just dont give up, open up if your feeling like the shits winning, always better to hear someone reach out than read their obituary :v::heart: