Just looking to chat

well i will just tell you my personal opinion is that you sound to be on the right track and like you have the right frame of mind having an addiction that is not always easy but im just happy as heck to see it. get back to your gratitude list and watch blessings come to you im telling you that aspect alone works. gratitude could be your “higher power” if you wanted, as they say it doesnt matter what it IS just that you believe there is something stronger than yourself, an energy if you will, that can guide your body and mind to a better life.

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Nice to meet you! Welcome

The meme thread is the best :joy:
You can also read through the old meme threads too, I do that a lot.

It sounds like you’re getting good things out of AA. I found it such a relief to be with other people who understood what it’s like, the support you get there is amazing.

I will say though that if after a while you’re still not finding a higher power, there are other programmes besides AA that don’t require higher powers or anything to do with that so don’t worry. Like SMART recovery for example. I also don’t do AA anymore because I couldn’t force myself to believe in a higher power etc

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So many good people I’ve met in AA, but part of me does feel like I’ll never find or feel a higher power that so many speak of. I talk to just about anyone that will listen and try to find bits and pieces of their spirituality that resonate in me. The best I’ve been able to come up with is believing in the power of the fellowship and kindness found in the rooms.

I’d hate to lose the local community. I’ve tried a secular online meeting but really value the face to face interactions even as introverted as I am The closest in person Smart meeting is about 65 miles away but I may join online. Thanks for the resource.

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I appreciate the kind words, the conversation, and ideas. Thank you

How the heck are you doing today?

Hey, good to see you. How are you? I’m early in recovery. Days have been mehh for the most part. Bringing my body hoping my mind will catch up. I’m happy to have found this community.

Im cautiously dipping my toe into aa. Found a cool zoom meeting at noon california time so when i start my new job monday i will only be able to attend weekends but i think ill keep going back. Shared a little yesterday and today which gives me energy and joy, maybe with time ill open up more. Day 17.5 alcohol and weed free…doing this thing one day at a time

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Congrats on the new job. Zoom meetings are nice because you can find them at virtually any time of the day. I still prefer the in person meetings as I can connect with people face to face and local but it’s nice having both options

God close doors to open up better opportunities #BelieveThat

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I did not believe in a power greater than myself when I joined AA, over 4 months ago. By getting a sponsor, actively working the steps and going to meetings, I had a spiritual experience that made me open my eyes to the other ways in my entire life that my higher power has been looking out for me. After this one experience I realized that a lot of the big moments I thought in my life that were coincidences where actually my higher power being there for me in my time of need. My suggestion is give your 100% to the program of Alcoholics Anonymous, read at least the first 164 pages of the big book, listen to speaker tapes, work with your sponsor, and participate in meetings. Eventually you will have spiritual experiences that will hopefully give you that belief and trust in a higher power that I now have. And man am I grateful for it. You got this! :+1:t3::call_me_hand:t3:

Also, you will have a spiritual awakening as a result of the 12 steps, says it right in the book. Seeing this result in everyone I have met in AA who has completed the steps is what helps give me hope to keep putting the effort into the program and to keep on fighting.

They have what I want. Period.


You’re right, They do have what I want. I want what’s in the promises and they give me hope. I tend to go to 2 meetings a day and have gotten through chapter 4 and start of 5 in the book so far. My higher power is AA and the rooms at the moment and I’m okay with that for now. I don’t know if I’ve given :100: but I’m open, honest and willing and plan to start. Thanks for sharing

Thank you for sharing and thanks for being here! Your moving in the right direction! Don’t get discouraged. It will happen, it all just takes time. :slightly_smiling_face:

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