Just One of Those Days

On day 27 & I’m just not here today. Alcohol aside, everything else in my life is just happening so fast. I know I’m just being silly but my mind is in limbo.

Used some personal time to get off work early today cause I was just snapping at everyone. I was punching and throwing items and just pushing things out of my way. I had to leave to avoid getting myself fired. Im 31 years old and don’t need to be acting like that. Im just lashing out at shadows lately.

When I have my kids on my days off, I am super dad, but as soon as I have to take them back to their moms I am just a hot mess. A depressed shell of a man whose just overflowing with anger and regret.

I’m just lost. I already lost the battle with my wife, but I’m currently losing the war within myself…

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It’s understandable, Danny. You’re doing the best YOU can in this situation. There’s no rule book so you do what you can.
Did you explain to your work about the upheaval? I’m so sorry, I wish I had more. :heart:

When I am at work, I am a true believer at leaving it all at the door. I consider myself one of the hardest workers there and lately, since covid, they’ve just been treating us like crap. So already just trying to get through my life problems, I have to push through what work has to throw at me.

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When I posted about this earlier, I was given a simple reply, “give yourself Grace.” It stuck with me. That’s what echoed in my ear when I started to feel irritated again at work. So I pay it forward, give yourself Grace :heart:

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Thank you. I will keep that in mind. I work for Amazon and the things you read about are true. They could careless for their workers and that is why there are so many strikes. With covid around. They expect me to work as if I am 3 people yet I only get paid for 1.

I so understand. We have our Union submitting a law suit against my employer, it’s so bad. I am only barely two months into sobriety so I’m kind of on autopilot to preserve my energy. I’d rather focus on my personal issues right now. I hope it gets better for you :heart::heart::heart:

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Thank you. same to you.

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