Just relapses after 2 months

I’m so pissed off I was clean for to months and after I finished the bottle I checked the app to see my failure and I just realized that it was my 2 month of sobriety


Welcome! Relapse happens, but it doesnt have to. Why did you drink? What can you do differently to maintain your sobriety?


Relapses do happen. But, no matter how bad your relapse, there is light on the other side. Don’t forget how bad you feel now. Use it as a weapon to stay sober, and have a nice life without your Doc.


The addicted brain can be subtile. Celebrate 2 months of sobriety with your DOC sounds absurd, but never underestimate deeply burried patterns and long practiced behaviour. There are some good threads around here to overcome and re-write habits and patterns. They still help me, not only to stay sober but in general. Hope you hop on the sober train again and fill your toolbox with additional helpings :hugs:


Dust yourself off and get right back to it my friend :raised_hands:t2: Figure out why you relapsed and put things in place so that it doesn’t happen again. Wishing you all the best :pray:t2::two_hearts:


Hi! I drank a lot of things mixed together so it’s possible that I forgot something, but: whiskey, beers, wine, vodka and gin. To stay sober I think that I need to treat my depression (and other untreated stuff) but unfortunately I’m not able to afford a therapy


Welcome to Sober Time, @Zenda. As you can see by the many responses you’re reading here already, you’ve came to the right place. Please feel free to read and learn from other’s and don’t be afraid to just reach out. These things happen, @Zenda. Pick yourself up and continue on with your sobriety. You can do this!

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@Zenda, I’m so sorry to hear about your relapse. We’ve all been there, unfortunately, and feel your pain and regret. Day one is a new day! Have you tried googling state-run counseling services? A lot of communities offer counseling at free or at reduced rates. Might be something worth checking into to get the ball rolling. I wish you the best and keep checking in!

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@Zenda…glad you are here!! The first few days will physically be difficult as you detox. Don’t be tempted to pick up! Stick around here. Be good to yourself.

AA, Smart, ect are all free. Maybe start looking at recovery programs like that? I swore I would never do AA, but on day 90 I just couldn’t do it alone anymore.

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