Just shopping when the voice started

I was at the grocery store just doing my usual shopping when i came upon the alcohol section. Thats when the voice started. Just buy maybe one bottle or even a small one. I did stop and look and then thought about how it would end and how good i was feeling since being sober. I turned and left that section and was happy to leave the store. That was 2 days ago and im still sober and feeling good about it.


Oooooooh that happens to me all the time in that blasted section of the store. In my brain, I scream, “You are not permitted! You are not permitted!” If that siren call still gets louder, I have been known to say it aloud. Do whatever it takes to steer that cart toward victory!


Yes that section is a tough one. I need to say that montra when i get close. Sounds perfect. And when you leave the store without alcohol it feels like you can breath again.


Amazing progress, well done :clap:

Next time look at all the people browsing the alcohol aisle. 90% of them wil tell you a story just by looking at their face. They don’t want to be there either!


Now that i will have to try. Then run for the hills. :rofl:


There is nowhere “safe” in our grocery stores. Alcohol is in literally every.single.department. Produce? Yep. Meat? Yep. Dairy? Yep. Health Market? You betcha! And then, they have a whole separate alcohol market in the store and a 10,000 sq ft Wine & Spirits across the parking lot. Ah - Beef, Corn and Alcohol. I mean, I guess it’s the whole Midwest…Certainly not a Trader Joe’s every few miles here!


Wow, now thats excessive. I better there are lots of people in Nebraska with drinking problems when that put it in your face everywhere. Im in arizona for the winter and its in every store and gas station too but not in every department. In the summerbim in Canada and there is a bit now in a few grocery stores but the have specific alcohol stores and specific beer stores so you have to make a soecial trip to that store to get a variety. It helps not having it in your face all the time. Plusvthe prices are tripplebup there. Anyway, hope you have a wonderful sober day. Im having a glass of homemade ice tea.


I look at it now and think ‘why would people buy poison to sit and drink at home just to feel like shit in the morning’ :rofl:


Good for you, the more you ignore it the easier it gets


I am very fearful of the fact that this does not bother me. I have not had the urge to drink in 622 days, 2 years in May. I do not work a traditional AA prpgram but do therapy once a week. I went to rehab 5 times before I just got sick of being sick. I hope it lasts and I never think that I can control drinking because it could never be just 1 drink for me


Exactly. I need to say that often.

Precisely this. I do the same with cigarettes.

Absolutely fucking mental I used to poison myself with that shit!