Just wanted to thank all of you

Just wanted to thank all of you for your support !! Having this app and this community has been life changing for me.
I dont really like to do meetings, but here is the perfect fit for me!! Thanks to everyone who shares and comments…reading all of you guys helps me and inspires me
I am forever greatful
Thank you so much
Sending all of you lots of love
And remember, just for today…one second at a time, one minute at a time, one hour at a time…you got this 🫶🏻🫶🏻


I am in the same boat regarding meetings and have found that this app has been the one thing that has kept me motivated to keep fighting for my sobriety and has shown a ton of support. Glad to hear that you are feeling the same. We are stronger together and glad to be on this lifelong journey with you :hugs:


Me too!! Thank you soooo much for your support!! :hugs::heart:


This is a magical place for me. I spend too much time on here and it’s worth it for my sobriety. I’ve got plenty of life stressors, a wife that drinks, but since I found this app my life has definitely been easier with all the love and support and gratitude around here.
Keep coming back. It works if you let it.


Just for today! You’re doing great!


I am 4 months and 29 days sober… i think its my first time in 7 years i have been sober this long…i am soooo happy :grin:


Thank you beautiful :hugs::hugs: i am soooooo happy!!


And thank you!!! Im so appreciating the community also. Keep kickin A :slight_smile: xo


Congratulations :tada:


And thank you for your support too! And thank you for sharing. You’re absolutely smashing it! And you’re much further down the road than I am, so it’s a nice daily inspiration.


Just came across your thread and want give you a high five for your sober time :+1::sunflower:
I’m with you, this community is precious. Being here helps me coping with all and everything in my life :pray: Keep going and checking in :dizzy:


I am so happy for you :heart: I just reached 8 months sober. This is the longest for me too and I couldn’t be more proud of myself :heart::blush:


Congrats!! Its not always easy, but its always worth it!! I am so happy for you!! :heart::heart:


Glad to have you as part of our little community here on TS. It definitely has been a life saver for me as well, especially in the early stages of my recovery. Congrats for such an awesome job on your sobriety. It’s definitely a wonderful feeling to be free, and not have that monkey on my back. Stay strong! :sunflower:


Congratulations on your sober time!! Only at 8 days but it feels like a big deal for me. When I was feeling a bit worried about falling back into my ways over the weekend, I had so much advice and support. I know this coming weekend I will feel the same again but knowing I can hop on here and get the motivation to stay sober is a saving grace for me. I do not have many sober people in my life. Im from a small town so I’m very embarrassed to go to meetings, why I decided to join this. The support and love on here is so cool and appreciated :heartpulse:


The firsts weeks, the firsts months were sooooo hard for me!! The first three months I felt so depressed…I ended up taking medication, and I had to sleep a lot…give yourself time and be your own best friend.
I am glad you found this community! Its really a nice place to come chat. you can read and write about what touchs you the most. Its been a real life changer for me.
We are all here for you! And congratulations on your 8 days!! It is a big deal!! And you should be really proud of yourself!! I am proud of you!!
I tell myself, just for today, and it helps me so much.
Remember, sobriety is a journey, not a destination.
Sending you lots of love :heart:


I am starting to see a therapist this week to help…i cant wait. I quit everything, without any professional help, only this app to help, familly and my boyfriends support but thats it. So I think it will help me understand my behaviors. I am 10 months alcohol and stimulante free, 9 months without weed and 5 months no cigarettes.
I was taking 40mg of antidepressants and now im at 20mg. So I think seeing a therapist is going to be at a perfect timing.

Sending all of you lots of love


You are doing so great so far on your addiction free journey Sara. Grateful that you are adding more support to your toolbox.
Wishing you luck with therapy. Keep stacking up the days and kicking addictions ass :muscle:t4::muscle:t4::hugs:

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