Keep on staying clean

Almost 24 years now, happy life most of that time.
But lately wondering do I miss something in life?
That sneaky “thing” still remains in my brain :roll_eyes::flushed:


You are not alone there. Unhelpful ideas floating around in the mind - it is a problem :confused:

What are you missing? Personally I find my emotions are helpful indicators in this kind of “emotional investigation” work, to figure out what I am thinking or feeling.

If I’m hungry - physical hunger of course, but hunger can also be emotional: being hungry for a healthy emotional experience (hunger can be emotional or intellectual as much as physical) - then it means I need nourishment.

Is the nourishment you need emotional? Is it intellectual?


Just came back from a AAmeeting, had a good talk there. It’s a bit of both I think, I planned a trip to DRC Congo that couldn’t go on due to political reasons. Couldn’t get visum :roll_eyes:
Than I had a physical problem, had to spend a night in hospital, learned the lesson that I’m not 30 anymore…
Bit FOMO maybe :thinking:, In my younger days I was in special forces, and sometimes I forget my age :rofl::rofl:
Comes good, thanks to people like you and others here that listen. And or give well ment good advice

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24 years!!! No way you can drink and spoil that!

Stay sober for me at least. You got this!

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Thanks, it wasn’t actually not really craving for alcohol. Just as I already said a kind of “fear of missing out” more a question of aging and the confrontation with the facts of it.
But then again it is the prove of the fact that we always have to be alert, that inside our brains there will always be a little voice that could drive us in the direction of … maybe :thinking: who now’s you could bla bla bla . The evil :smiling_imp: voice, the boy that sometimes enjoys to be the naughty one. Luckily there are always reaching hands like yours that if you let them pull you back on the right track.
We always say:
If you think you made it all the way, you are gone!
Thanks for being here :pray:t3::muscle:t4:

Absolutely Brother. How old are you? So I know what constitutes “ageing”

63 at the end of this year :hugs:
Son calls me a boomer :rofl::rofl: