Keeping on keeping on?

So I am new to this forum of friends. Your posts have been inspirational. Everyone gives support without taking. You have all been amazing here. Really, all your stories. But at what point does living start…without a recovery forum? People have been here for years. Does it ever get easier? Can we ever reach sobriety without constant support?


I am not being negative. I just wonder where we go from here? How long do we stay? What are our obligations?

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that is up to you. i choose to be on here now, not only for support but because i like to see people iv known for months now, continiue to flourish in their sobriety and then see what other people are going through and if i can relate to anything. There is no finish line for sobriety. Sobriety IS living at least i think so now. Use the forum for as long as you wish, but i assure you if you stay around long enough you wont want to leave


Thank you. I am very shy and was afraid to post. I read of all the trials and tribulations and resets


its alright to break out of your shell on here. Feel free to post anytime you want, lots of good support at your fingertips. :slight_smile: how far along are you in your recovery?


Not very far. .only 9 days


that’s pretty awesome, over a week. your past the worst withdrawal symptoms and im sure you are feeling better than you were a week ago.


Yes. But that part isn’t so hard for me. I can go weeks without but then when I do.:fearful:


Well thank you for acknowledging my post. That was my biggest fear. Nobody would care or respond. But you did so thank you.


well now you have somewhere to go if you are feeling like wanting a drink. :smiley: you can check in on this thread daily if you wish:

And some other helpful links to get you started,


Ok wow! That is ALOT of great information. In the next week introduce myself [I hope] and share my life as you have all done with me😉


Hey!, first of all welcome :slight_smile: , know that you got to a great place full of incredibly inspirational , positive and supportive people , who will never doubt on helping and giving you advice.
I know what you mean , and I have actually asked myself the same question. Will I need this app forever? Will I ever be able to do this by myself?
The way I see it now , is that hopefully one day I can go with my life without the need of asking for daily support but I would love to continue participating of the forum. Giving back the same support and love I received during , this time , the beggining of this journey.
I think the fight against addiction will last forever , sadly. It’s something we truly have to take Day by day. But having the chance to come here and get that extra motivation we need from people who truly understands what we’ve been through , no matter in what stage of our journey we are , I hope never ends.
Am sure this will be an amazing experience for you and count on me.


Welcome @Bseven7 :slight_smile: I agree with all of the above.
Personally, I came for the forum, and through it I have learned so much about poison - formerly known as alcohol - and addiction.
But I gained so much more!! - A sober family! And who could walk away from that, who would want to? And the great thing is, this family grows bigger by the day.

I come here frequently throughout the day, not because I need to but because I want to. I want to know how you are all getting on.

Sobriety is a way of life, a journey, and we all travel this journey together.

Besides, how else would I see regular pictures of @Steve92’s gorgeous puppy?! :wink: :heart_eyes:

I hope to see you around here lots more :smile:


Hi @Bseven7, I reckon everyone arriving here’s a bit nervous at first, but you’re going to find so many decent, caring people that I bet that initial worry will disappear within days or probably less!
I’m coming up to 5 months sober and found the forum a few weeks after giving up. It’s been enormously helpful and although I’ve toyed with not using the forum, now that I’m ‘sober’ I come back because I enjoy it! And hopefully contribute a little.


Wow! Thank you , thank you all. I appreciate the welcome and look forward to getting to know you all​:blush::blush:


Hi and welcome!

I log on every morning to check my counter, then I read some posts and sometimes post an update of my own.

Before I close out of the app and go to work I tell myself “I’m not going to drink today.” Reading other’s stories and adding my own help me to commit to not drinking today.

You sound like me, where it’s not hard in the beginning, but you don’t stick with it over time. I’m not comfortable saying I’ll never drink again ever for the rest of my life, but I am OK with committing not to drink TODAY. Then today turns into tomorrow, and so on, and I’m proud of my sobriety counter. Daily check ins help me remember why I’m doing this, and strengthens my resolve.



Hi @Bseven7 (waving) :raising_hand: Welcome! You just got loaded up with great information and great people on this forum. I think a lot of us are shy in real life but here you can really pour your heart out. Please feel free to vent, share, add topics, help others, etc. No judgement here. We’re all on the same journey…to get and stay sober…a day at a time.
I continue to come here because they are like my 2nd family. They’ve been on this journey with me the whole time…I help and get help…it’s a beautiful thing. I love watching people’s life’s change and progress in sobriety.


Welcome and I found this forum by accident. I was told by my counselor at rehab I ought to have a counter. So I got this one. I was playing with the counting functions and clicked on the community? And it took me a second to figure it out and I started to read a few posts. I didn’t post anything until I got out of rehab and early on it was only in the checking in daily (I thought that being accountable would be good for me). But the more I visited I have got to “virtually know” some of these folks and I’m cheering for them! I want to see them and you succeed. And yes it’s a place I can come vent and putting it out in the world helps. I hope you can get the same thing from this forum as me. Good luck. And we will be here to give you some support when you want or need it.


90 days here in going strong one day at time


Honestly it really helps. Keep going strong

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