Keys to a successful life

Perspective is a word that I’ve come to greatly appreciate. I’ve never really wanted nor felt the need for it. Today it is a word that I don’t want to live without. No matter wat you do or where you go in life if you look hard enough you can find perspective, I learned through this thang called Recovery that perspective and piece of mind are key essentials to my Recovery. Through all my toils and escapades I never really knew who I was or wat purpose I’d serve in this life except to be a drak on every one I knew. Today I see a brighter fuller existence than that of past life. I had 8 yrs sober and walked back out, now with 20 days clean again I see places that I overlooked and even underestimated during that time I had clean. Today I’m thankful that I get another chance to do it right. Sooner or later you run out of chances to do it right that’s what I’m working on today. Just for Today!