Knowledge is Power?

Has anyone else starting out on their journey just felt like they couldn’t read enough books or listen to enough podcasts about the sober life or journey to sober life?

I feel like all I want to do is learn as much as possible till my brain explodes :exploding_head::rofl:

Plus it helps occupy my mind as well. But anyone else currently doing this or have done this?


Not just alcohol Farmer. Addiction in general as well as recovery from addiction. My sober journey started with quitting smoking tobacco and marijuana. Learned so much which helped met later with
quitting alcohol and the rest too … Knowledge indeed IS power @K.Slaughter ! Power to you!


I am right there with you. Now that I popped the top I cannot stop learning!


I just like the fact that I am learning to understand my addictive tendencies more in a way that I didn’t think possible. I’m an alcoholic and I know right now for the most part things seem ‘good’ and are looking up, but I know hard times are coming, I had one last night and used what I had already learned to overcome the reasoning in my brain. I just want to know as much as possible so I can try to use what I know in times of disparity. And so when I tell family and friends, if they have questions I can answer them, where as before I started reading, I probably wouldn’t know what to tell them other then, “hey I’m an alcoholic because I like to drink and can’t stop” haha.


Yes!! Learning and becoming aware of what’s actually gone on for me and all about alcohol and addiction has helped me tremendously too to finally realize I’m ready to stay sober for the rest of my life. Currently reading Being Sober and it’s amazing!!


Yes! I have read half of the AA book in less then 2 days. Hoping to finish it all and get another book. I’ve been highlighting as I go so if I need to come back to a certain part for my own use I can or if someone has a question I can show them.


Yes good for you! That’s amazing! I highlight as well so I can go back and refer to things I found important. I haven’t read the AA book yet but I’m feeling drawn that that needs to be my next one❤


And shame, spirituality, acceptance…

Some of my fave authors are Tara Brach, Brene Brown, Elizabeth Lesser, Miguel Ruiz,
Thich nhat hanh.

Enjoy your books, I can’t keep my nose out of them.



Heck yeah!! I read constantly in the beginning of my sober journey. My list of books…memoirs, inspirational, educational…is quite long after all these years. I think I shared it with you previously??


I huge part of my recovery in the beginning was research. I scheduled myself daily, 2 hours of research…books, magazines, ect…anything having to do with alcoholism and addiction.


Yes, i have quit lit all over my house. I started reading them almost ten years ago. Finally got sober last March. The science of addiction and the realities of alcohol use for all of us helped me a lot. It was a huge part of me eventually getting sober.


That is exactly how I started this last time. I was obsessed with sobriety podcasts, audiobooks, and this site. Take every tool, tip, and trick you can find and store them… There will be times when you need all of it. Best wishes!


Knowledge is power
Truth is survival
Conviction brings change
Desire lights the fire :fire:


Yes I believe you did! I have a list I plan to either buy or get at the library once I am finish with the AA book, which will probably be in the next 2 days haha


Love that!!

Thank you! I am definitely getting prepared because I know tough days will come!

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I’m a stay at home mom so when the kids are at school, and all housework’s done, I’m reading. And while doing housework I’m listening haha

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Yes how they have been able to the best of their ability to make sense of alcoholism is very fascinating! And then the personal stories are just the icing on the cake. Every time I turn my head I’m like “yep, that’s me”

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