Late night food craving

I’m 6 days in without drinking but I keep over eating every night. Any suggestions on how to fight those food cravings?


I embraced them…1) it was better than drinking, 2) fewer calories…eventually they go away


You’re right it’s better then the alternative. Just don’t want to be replacing one addiction with another :disappointed:


I get that. I think a lot of us had those cravings.

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Wouldn’t fight those cravings :100: this early on. Eventually your body will get what it needs and settle down. I remember the first week I drank a ton of coffee, which didn’t help my restless legs and headaches lol.

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Those look good !

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I sometimes like to have Greek yogurt with honey or fruit as a bedtime snack. The high protein makes it satisfying and since I get the 5% fat version, it keeps me full for longer. I’ve been indulging in chocolate before bed for the past few nights and I need to make sure that’s an occasional indulgence, not a nightly habit.


Congrats on 6 days :+1:
I know what you mean … I had crazy sugar cravings.
Sounds a bit silly but mixed nuts were my savior. But not too many, just a handful. :peanuts:

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Oh my goodness, i had sugar cravings so bad in early recovery, eating at about 9pm without fail, i gained just over a stone in weight between over eating and my antidepressants, im now back in training and slowly losing it now, its temporary but sobriety is long term. Don’t worry too much about it, your body is still healing

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Like the others say you shouldn’t fight those cravings since you might actually choose the bad alternative. But perhaps keep healthy alternatives ready and try those first before grabbing the junk food. Maybe fruit before eating chocolate. Maybe some toast with peanut butter before chips. Also, often thirst is misinterpreted by the brain as hunger. Fill up on tea or sparkling water then wait 20 minutes before deciding if you really needed food.


This is really interesting: i never had any desire for chocolat, when i had beer. Now without beer i have a desire for chocolat almost every day. The whole body chemistry seems to be changing :grinning:

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I’ve been getting crazy cravings. Cheetos have been my go to snack. :grimacing: it’s terrible! I’ve been giving in though. One thing at a time. I’ll deal with that after I have more time under my belt. :honeybee::honeybee::honeybee:


My grocery order today … after McDonalds😶


Me too! I’ve started getting sugar cravings which I never had while drinking. It’s your body craving the carbohydrates and the sugar from the alcohol. I eat yoghurt with a sweetener like honey or I buy a small chocolate bar and it usually satisfies me. But if I do pig out, it’s much better for me then relapsing on alcohol :smiley: