Legalization of weed in Canada today

I’d like it legalized. Too many people in prison for pot. I still wouldn’t smoke, because I abuse it and because I can be randomly tested at work for it.


Sorry not sorry

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It does not make it less addictive, only gangsters lost one of good bussineses unless they will go leagal root :slight_smile:

I honestly think the USA pays to keep way more people in prison than is remotely reasonable. From an outside perspective, it seems like the emphasis is keeping voters happy with punition rather than prevention and rehabilitation. Like, there are whole percents of you in the system? Is that right? Helpful? Efficient?

if that’s too political or inflammatory, shut me down please. I don’t mean to start anything


It will certainly help with home sales…too many stories of people who bought houses and turned them into grow-ops. Then if that house goes on the market again there is huge issues with molds etc, but obviously the owners won’t say it was used as an illegal grow-op so new owners only discover the issue after they’ve moved in. I’m hoping legal pot will help wtih this.

Ha. Well I guess I’m the nerd then because I knew it was a Buffy reference

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That’s what I think of when I think of what skittles can do to you should you abuse them

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Did you know dude is a child molester?

Why does that not surprise me?

If everyone who drank alcohol used pot instead the world would be a much better place. Obviously best case would be people not needing such an escape but it’s a vast improvement.

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But cigarettes are not nicotine any more than salad is lettuce.

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Yes, but you can’t put outright poison and carcinogenic material in food. At least, not legally where I live. That’s what I meant.

I view added sugar as a poison, and they heap that stuff into everything lol

There are established levels of sugar that are considered safe. The additives I’m talking about? No. They just have proved it doesn’t kill people too quickly.

Again, in amounts considered safe, and especially prepared properly, not a significant health issue. I’d direct my attention more towards fast food, “nacho chips”, “soda”, etc.

I don’t consider nicotine healthy, but you certainly have a point here. Hell of a lot better than tobacco smoke.