Let’s try this again

Day one all over again!!!
I just can’t seem to make it through the weekend. I probably could have but went to a concert with four other guys so kinda figured I would make it with out having some beers. If I could have one or two that would be great but I have to have at least a dozen and then it turns in to the whole weekend. Then next thing it’s Thursday through Sunday. Tired of feeling like crap and not motivated. This weekend I will not drink.


Hey brother. I hope you’re doing well. I recently hopped back on the wagon after committing to being sober back in Feb. That lasted like, 5 days? Anyway, I’m back again too. But the important thing is you’re back at it. Keep at it man.


The first weekend was the hardest for me! Once I got thru that, it got easier. By weekend #3, I actually started to enjoy my sober weekends, now I can’t imagine being drunk all weekend as I have realized all the time and quality of life I missed out on by being drunk. You can do this, one day at a time! :heart:


Such a great outlook. I feel the same way, I just went thru my first weekend (basically) clean in ages. I read two books, worked out, and made some music. I know without a doubt that none of that would have occurred if I was glued to my phone looking for someone, or ANYTHING to make me numb. Such a waste.

But the beauty is, every day is a new day. That’s the best part… You get another shot every day.

Chris, you can do it.


You’ve got a great outlook too my friend. All you are seeking can be found within yourself. Once I discovered this, all the pieces all started to come together for me. Great job, keep up the good work!


Nothing changes if nothing changes. If you keep doing the same things you’re going to get the same results. In this case if you keep going to concerts and hanging out with your old friends you are going to keep getting drunk.