Let’s Vent: How Was Your Day?

Absolutely and thank u for this perspective! Ur right… im sure she does keep some things private… as do I. And sometimes its all about acceptance and seeing where we are at and loving where we are on our journey :slight_smile:


Yes! Honestly… that hits the nail on the head for me. I literally could’ve have done so damn much with my life but mental health and drugs and old Lifestyles got in the way. And now I’m feeling like I’m playing catch up. But we can’t change what has been done. And honestly… this might sound weird… but I actually don’t know if I’d change a thing about my past. ALOT of really shitty things happened but at the same time I sort of like myself as I am as a person (as long as I’m clean and sober). I have qualities that I probably wouldn’t have if I didn’t go thru what I did, ya know? The only things that bug me are like the material stuff or the financial debt or the health issues or career. And those things can be changed. They are outter stuff that can be worked on overtime AS LONG as we stay clean. And ya staying positive is crucial… it can be tough some days. Progress not perfection :slight_smile:


Absolutely and it’s great you’re able to look at it that way, to be grateful for who you are. Life is about experience , not financial gain, can’t take it with you when you die etc. I’ve never had big material dreams, but that all changed when I became a father and I’ve worked really hard, made sacrifices to give my kids a good life but I never dealt properly with my mental health and addiction issues so I couldn’t deal properly with the shit life has thrown at me since the separation. Nevertheless, I’m grateful for my children, just have a lot of regrets. Can’t change the past! ODAAT

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File this in the WTF was I thinking category :joy:


Well this was up when I went to pick up my daughter from aftercare I am completely blown away how much school these children are missing I don’t even understand what in the middle of February these kids need a four-day weekend plus another teacher day and then some other random day off and then next month they have a nine-day spring break and then they’re going to be out of school for 8 weeks I’m a single mom I don’t know what these people think that I do with my six year old when there is no school I have no help so that’s been a uphill battle just pulling up to the school realizing that there’s even more days that I’m going to be out of work which triggered frustration and anger because then all I can think about is the loss of money and how I’m going to have to tighten up even more which right now the only thing I spend money on is literally bills hygiene and that’s about it I barely drive my car because of the gas prices I would rather walk or ride a bike. Then this afternoon I had to call my surgeon I just recently had a neck fusion to tell them that I need some type of therapy because my neck hurts so bad now that I am no longer constantly intoxicated from alcohol I feel every bit of pain I will not take any pain medication and I’m told not to take any aspirin ibuprofen BC powder any of those because he does not want my neck to calcify around the screws whatever so I have no idea they’re telling me I should be feeling fine like who the hell tells their client they just hacked on how they need to be feeling so anyways that’s the end of my complaining for today thank you for listening


My day started off a little bad. I didn’t even want to get out of bed. But of course I had to, I’m a SAHM haha. Went outside this afternoon, cleaned around the yard. We have a stray cat living under our house that tears everythingggggg up!! The weather where I live is so bipolar. It snowed last weekend (barely even an inch but) and today it was almost 80. Now this weekend it’s going to be back FREEZING. The weekend before last weekend we got almost 3inches of snow, for us that’s a big deal LOL. Anyways, I hope you guys had a good day. If you didn’t, there’s always tomorrow, so try again. :two_hearts:


I feel this post 100%!!! Omg this is me to a T today :frowning: Sorry ur having a rough day too my friend. Tomorrow is a new day (and if ur in the middle of ur day, we can always start the day over)

I feel like our kids are in the same damn school district! While I have my husband’s help, it’s still frustrating. I just keep telling myself that at least it’s not elearning!

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I can’t stop cleaning hahaha! Day four of cleaning thoroughly and organizing. Taking all the clutter out of rooms, placing fake plants there instead to try and beautify the space to make me more relaxed

I think I cleaned for 14 hours yesterday with only bathroom breaks (it’s substantially more time consuming when I also have to organize and put things in the most logical place) I plan to continue it today, but energy levels have dipped quite a lot over the past few days due to just going absolutely ham with it, so I might just tidy up some clutter, take out recycle, etc. I got about six hours of sleep and woke up during a pleasant dream that I can’t quite remember, I just remember it being nice. I wanted to go back to sleep for a bit, but then I couldn’t get back into that same dream! Argh! Every time, hahaha. It’s almost impossible for me to reenter a dream. I couldn’t stop thinking about cleaning and I had the urge to keep cleaning instead of getting much needed sleep lmao.

Probably going to finish cleaning the bathroom…I really need a new shower curtain to brighten up the space…the one I have is too dark of a color and there are bleach spots on it. I need a vinyl one that can’t get bleached, but I can’t find one on Amazon that I like that also has good reviews.

Ahhh…I can’t wait to be done with the pre-spring cleaning. That’s mainly what’s going on at the moment. I have other projects to tackle, but not until this is done, lol.

Hope everyone is doing well today. :slight_smile:


Good day really. Got my results for exams today, feeling tired, one kids got tummy ache , one kids hurt their ankle, one kid is back later making her once/twice a week appearance, I’ll have to play mum for the evening it seems, why not, :pray:

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I have no reason to not have a good day.

Things have been going well for the last few weeks. So here I come to self sabotage.

Today will be a good day.

Because I will make today a good day.


Was fine actually until I read a message from my sponsor asking to do a chair… now I’ve had fuckin anxiety that I haven’t felt since withdrawal. I HATE anxiety SO Much!!.. How I lived with it day in day out while using is beyond me.


Yes, i think he means to chair a meeting, run it.

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Thanks for the tips! I honestly tense my muscles without even realizing it. When I do mediate and the person speaking doing the guided mediations, guides me thru a body scan, I hold tension everywhere… my jaw, my shoulders n neck, everywhere. It’s something I need to do multiple times a day also :slight_smile: I like ur 2nd point and will definitely me trying this! Thank u :slight_smile: and I do believe @Hazy was talking about chairing a mtg. Pretty much means doing service work for ur home group. Where u open up the mtg and u read the reading do the mtg etc. It definitely can be anxiety causing.

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Yesterday and today has been decent. But damn… I have issues comparing myself to my friend and her family. It almost makes me want to distance myself from her (which isn’t right bcuz she is such a good friend). I see videos that her m her hubby post on fb and they have every right to do that. And I’m happy for them and their adorable boy but it eats at me. Trying to be grateful for what i have and be God centered right now. Ugh :sleepy:


It’s to share my experience strength and hope of my journey to connect with other addicts to find the path of sobriety/living clean

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I’m a she :joy:. But not to know from the nickname.:blush: