Let's Try Something...Share your Victory

I hiked over 100 miles of the Long Trail in Vermont in less than a week, got engaged, bought a house, celebrated 3 birthdays out of the country, got 4 ducks and refound my love of hunting.

Hi all, first post :slight_smile:
I’m now 18 months sober after being a daily drinker for just under 20 years.
Since I gave up I have managed to leave my factory job which I was in 19 years which I hated and was a big part of my drinking, and now work as a housing support worker for the homeless. I am also starting a college course which will put me on the right path to what I want to do eventually which is become a drug and alcohol recovery worker. None of this would of been achievable had I carried on drinking, and I could of ended up in the very place I am now working as I wasn’t far away from losing my wife because of my drinking, which, if it had of happened and knowing how I used alcohol as a coping mechanism, I would of just drank untill I lost everything. So so proud of myself and life has just got better and better. My advise to anyone is never give up giving up, life can and will get better :slight_smile:

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Letting my girlfriend sleep and not rabbiting her poor brain in the morning cuz am still half cut from the night before lol