Life clean and sober

Hey everyone;

I decided to look into this app because I need extra support and motivation for my sobriety. I have been sober for 56 days so far with my husband and really not having any urge to drink. I used to be an angry alcoholic and heavy cocaine user for a long time and started sobriety back in 2013. When I hit my three years clean and sober I caved into a glass of wine to celebrate mine and my spouses anniversary. I hit rock bottom and started drinking heavily and doing cocaine again just because of allowing myself that one drink. Long story short I was able to stop at the beginning of 2017 and stayed sober until this pandemic hit. I feel disappointed in myself because I have spent a couple years repeatedly clean and sober then throw it all away when I feel like I need something to take the stress off. I spent the last two months before deciding to be clean and sober again hungover and hating life… it’s time to get my life back in order and be happy again. I need to stay sober to be a good mother to my two year old son. I need to be strong so my husband ( which is verbally abusive alcoholic ) can also get the support and help to live a sober life. Everytime I’ve stopped drinking I’ve noticed that the first two month are the hardest, but once you get past that 30 days, your life starts seeing positive results. This time around has been a lot harder , because I feel more numb than anything. I am determined though to keep moving forward no matter how hard things get. Thank you for listening.

Kind regards to all,



Welcome to TS!! I know for a fact that I could not have started my sobriety journey without the support and advice of all the amazing people here…This community is wonderful. I tried for years to stop drinking but I was unsuccessful until relatively recently.

It sounds like you have much more time sober in total than I do, so you know how it all goes. Now you have the added support of everyone here :slightly_smiling_face:

I 100% agree in that I found the first few weeks were the hardest for me and since then it has become much more normal for me and I’m not as tempted to drink. I’ve slowly accepted that I can’t and won’t drink again. It was rough to come to terms with at first, mostly because of the fear of missing out. Then I put enough sober days together to realize that drinking is actually what was causing me to miss out on all the best parts of life. With that realization and the help of everyone here I’ve been loving sober life ever since.

Glad you’re here!


Hey Kat, first & foremost, glad you’re here. Second, you’re doing an AMAZING job! One day at a time!

A suggestion that I have for you would be to journal ; I personally found journaling to be my number 1 go-to stress relief. When I journal, its never organized & sometimes doesn’t make a whole lot of sense but I’m able to get whatever off my mind. & it’s also a very useful coping skill I learned in rehab. There’s no guidelines and it’s all about you & its private.
I also, no matter what I’m doing or really, where I am, I take a walk. if I’m feeling vulnerable in a situation, I drop whatever it is I may be doing & I take a walk to clear my head.
Different coping skills work differently for different people & there are a lot more coping skills out there, you just have to find the one that works best for you

I will be praying for you ! just remember to take it one day at a time, one day, one minute, even one second.