Life without my driver's license

You truly never know what you have until it’s gone. It has been so hard without my driver’s license especially when it’s nice outside, but I use this as motivation to do without alcohol as it has caused so many pitfalls in my life.


Definitely agree with the you don’t know what you have until it’s gone idea. I took a lot of things for granted in my drunken use.

I never lost my license, but I did have my kids taken and placed in foster care.

It’s hard, but at this juncture I view it as a blessing. I have no idea what I stood to lose, it’s made and is still making me strive to be the better person I always wanted to be.

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Wow i couldn’t imagine life without my kids that is far worse than a driver’s license but yes it is bitter sweet because now i take the time to truly appreciate those i love and the things i took for granted

I was full of rage and guilt, but come to accept that this is what it took for me to change. Much better relationship with my kids, my wife, myself and the outside world. It’s a humbling experience, having them taken, hearing their therapist and coaches talk about their delays and problems.

One day at a time, it’s getting better. Everyday not drinking is progress.

Losing my license has been great for my recovery. Honestly I really don’t miss it as much these days. By not having it I have gotten in great shape walking and riding my bike. It also helps me feel like I’ve earned my recovery. When I was doing outpatient I had to walk 3 miles just to get to group. In Syracuse. In the winter. I’ve walked and ride to meetings all over town. It taught me to really want my recovery. It taught me how to put in the work.